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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2D and I

ABRAIDEDabraided v. Simple past tense and past participle of abraid.
ABRAID v. (Spenser) to awake, arouse.
ACIDHEADacidhead n. (Slang, derogatory) A person who uses the hallucinogenic drug LSD.
ACIDHEAD n. a person who takes hallucinogenic drugs.
ALIDADESalidades n. Plural of alidade.
ALIDADE n. (Arabic) a device used in angular measurement, also ALIDAD.
CANDIDALcandidal adj. Of or pertaining to the genus Candida of yeasts.
CANDIDAL adj. of or like candida, a parasitic, yeastlike fungus.
CANDIDAScandidas n. Plural of candida.
CANDIDA n. (Latin) a parasitic, yeastlike fungus, that causes the infection candidiasis.
DADAISMSdadaisms n. Plural of dadaism.
DADAISM n. an artistic movement.
DADAISTSdadaists n. Plural of dadaist.
Dadaists n. Plural of Dadaist.
DADAIST n. an adherent of dadaism, an artistic movement.
DAEDALICDaedalic adj. (Art) Belonging or relating to an early form of Ancient Greek sculpture with Oriental influences.
DAEDALIC adj. ingenious and cunningly designed, also DAEDAL, DAEDALEAN, DAEDALIAN, DEDAL, DEDALIAN.
DAVIDIASdavidias n. Plural of davidia.
DAVIDIA n. a kind of tree, aka handkerchief tree.
DEDALIANDedalian adj. Alternative form of Daedalian.
DEDALIAN adj. ingenious and cunningly designed, also DAEDAL, DAEDALEAN, DAEDALIAN, DAEDALIC, DEDAL.
DIANODALdianodal adj. (Mathematics) Passing through a node.
DIANODAL adj. passing through a node.
DIDAKAISdidakais n. Plural of didakai.
DIDAKAI n. (Romany) an itinerant tinker, also DIDDICOY, DIDAKEI, DIDICOI, DIDICOY.
HANDMAIDhandmaid n. (Now historical) A maid that waits at hand; a female servant or attendant.
HANDMAID n. a female servant.
KABADDISkabaddis n. Plural of kabaddi.
KABADDI n. (Tamil) an Asian version of tag played between two teams of nine boys or young men.
RADIATEDradiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiate.
radiated adj. (Botany) Synonym of radiate.
RADIATE v. to emit rays.
RADICANDradicand n. (Mathematics) The number or expression whose square root or other root is being considered.
RADICAND n. a quantity in mathematics.
ZINDABADzindabad interj. (South Asia) A shout of encouragement; a cheer, which can also be interpreted to mean "may [idea or…
ZINDABAD interj. (Hindi) long live, used in slogans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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