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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, O and V

ADVOCAATadvocaat n. A Dutch liqueur made of egg yolks, sugar and strong liquor, typically brandy.
ADVOCAAT n. (Dutch) a liqueur containing rum and raw eggs.
ADVOCACYadvocacy n. The profession of an advocate.
advocacy n. The act of arguing in favour of, or supporting someone or something.
advocacy n. The practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard.
ADVOCATEadvocate n. Someone whose job is to speak for someone’s case in a court of law; a counsel.
advocate n. Anyone who argues the case of another; an intercessor.
advocate n. A person who speaks in support of something, or someone.
AUTOVACSautovacs n. Plural of autovac.
AUTOVAC n. a vacuum mechanism in a car for raising petrol to a higher tank so that it may flow by gravity into the carburettor.
AVOCADOSavocados n. Plural of avocado.
AVOCADO n. (Nahuatl) a rough-skinned pear-shaped edible fruit of a tropical tree.
CALVADOScalvados n. (Uncountable) An apple brandy made in Normandy, France.
calvados n. (Countable) A glass of this spirit.
Calvados prop.n. A department of Normandy, France.
CAVALEROcavalero n. (Obsolete) A cavalier.
CAVALERO n. a horseman, also CABALLERO.
CAVEATORcaveator n. One who enters a caveat.
CAVEATOR n. one that files a caveat.
CAVEOLAEcaveolae n. Plural of caveola.
CAVEOLA n. a tiny pit in a cell membrane.
CAVEOLARcaveolar adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the caveolae.
CAVEOLAR adj. relating to a caveola, a tiny pit in a cell membrane.
COAEVALScoaevals n. Plural of coaeval.
COAEVAL n. one of the same era as another.
COPAIVAScopaivas n. Plural of copaiva.
COPAIVA n. (Tupi) a transparent resin obtained from certain South American trees, also COPAIBA.
POSTCAVApostcava n. (Anatomy) The inferior vena cava.
POSTCAVA n. (Latin) a vein in higher vertebrates.
VACATIONvacation n. Freedom from some business or activity.
vacation n. (Obsolete) Free time given over to a specific purpose; occupation, activity.
vacation n. A period during which official activity or business is formally suspended; an official holiday from…
VACUOLARvacuolar adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing vacuoles.
VACUOLAR adj. relating to a vacuole, a cellular cavity.
VARACTORvaractor n. (Electronics) A solid-state diode whose capacitance varies with the applied voltage.
VARACTOR n. a two-electrode semiconductor device.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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