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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, I and K

AUTARKICautarkic adj. Pertaining to an autarky; self-sufficient.
AUTARKIC adj. relating to autarchy, absolute sovereignty, also AUTARCHIC, AUTARCHICAL, AUTARKICAL.
CANAKINScanakins n. Plural of canakin.
CANAKIN n. a small can or cup, also CANNIKIN, CANIKIN.
CHIKARASchikaras n. Plural of chikara.
CHIKARA n. (Hindi) a four-horned Indian antelope, also CHINKARA.
CHINKARAchinkara n. Gazella bennettii, a species of gazelle found in India, Pakistan and Iran.
CHINKARA n. (Hindi) a four-horned Indian antelope, also CHIKARA.
CLARKIASclarkias n. Plural of clarkia.
CLARKIA n. any plant of the North American genus Clarkia, a favourite border plant.
HALAKHIChalakhic adj. Alternative spelling of halachic.
HALAKHIC adj. (Hebrew) pertaining to the halakha, the legal component of the Jewish oral tradition, also HALACHIC, HALAKIC.
ICEKHANAicekhana n. (Rare) A motorkhana that takes place on a frozen lake.
ICEKHANA n. an automotive event held on a frozen lake.
KACHAHRIkachahri n. Alternative form of kachcheri.
KACHAHRI n. (Hindi) an Indian magistrate's office or courthouse, also CUTCHERRY, CUTCHERY, KACHERI.
KACHINASkachinas n. Plural of kachina.
KACHINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KATCHINA, KATCINA, KATSINA.
KAMACITEkamacite n. (Mineralogy) A meteoritic mineral which consists chiefly of iron and nickel.
KAMACITE n. a variety of nickeliferous iron, found in meteorites.
KATCHINAkatchina n. Alternative form of kachina.
KATCHINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KACHINA, KATCINA, KATSINA.
KATCINASkatcinas n. Plural of katcina.
KATCINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KACHINA, KATCHINA, KATSINA.
MACKINAWmackinaw n. A heavy woolen cloth.
mackinaw n. A blanket made of wool, formerly distributed to the Amerindians by the U.S. government.
mackinaw n. A flat-bottomed cargo boat; mackinaw boat.
MAILSACKmailsack n. Synonym of mailbag.
MAILSACK n. a sack in which mail is carried.
TAILBACKtailback n. (UK) A line of motor vehicles causing or the result of traffic congestion or a traffic jam.
tailback n. (American football) A running back or halfback who lines up furthest to the rear in an I formation.
TAILBACK n. a member of a football formation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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