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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, F and R

AIRCRAFTaircraft n. A vehicle capable of atmospheric flight due to interaction with the air, such as buoyancy or lift.
AIRCRAFT n. a machine for travelling in the air.
ARTEFACTartefact n. (Australian spelling, British spelling) Alternative spelling of artifact.
ARTEFACT n. an object made by man, also ARTIFACT.
ARTIFACTartifact n. An object made or shaped by human hand or labor.
artifact n. An object made or shaped by some agent or intelligence, not necessarily of direct human origin.
artifact n. Something viewed as a product of human agency or conception rather than an inherent element.
CARFAREScarfares n. Plural of carfare.
CARFARE n. payment for a bus or car ride.
CARFAXEScarfaxes n. Plural of carfax.
CARFAX n. a place where four roads meet, also CARFOX.
CRAGFASTcragfast adj. (Climbing) Stranded on a crag (inaccessible rock).
crag-fast adj. Alternative form of cragfast.
CRAGFAST adj. stuck on a crag.
FACEBARSFACEBAR n. a wrestling hold pulling on the opponent's facial skin.
FARADAICfaradaic adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to electricity, especially to electrical induction.
FARADAIC adj. pertaining to a type of electric current, also FARADIC.
FARCICALfarcical adj. Resembling a farce; ludicrous; absurd.
farcical adj. (Veterinary medicine, obsolete, rare) Pertaining to farcy.
FARCICAL adj. absurd.
FARRUCASfarrucas n. Plural of farruca.
FARRUCA n. (Spanish) a gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes.
FLANCARDflancard n. Alternative form of flanchard.
FLANCARD n. a piece of armor for the side of a horse.
FLATCARSflatcars n. Plural of flatcar.
FLATCAR n. a railway car without sides or roof.
FRACASESfracases n. Plural of fracas.
FRACAS n. (French) a brawl.
FRACTALSfractals n. Plural of fractal.
FRACTAL n. a complex geometric curve.
FRASCATIFrascati n. An Italian white wine from the region around the town of Frascati.
FRASCATI n. (Italian) a type of white wine.
FURCRAEAFurcraea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asparagaceae – various tropical succulent plants.
FURCRAEA n. a tropical American genus of plants related to the agave.
HARDFACEhardface v. (Metalworking) To apply a harder or tougher material to (a base metal) by welding.
HARDFACE n. a relentless and uncaring person.
PARFOCALparfocal adj. Having multiple lenses that have corresponding focal points in the same plane.
PARFOCAL adj. having lenses with corresponding focal points in the same plane.
SEACRAFTseacraft n. A ship or other vehicle capable of travelling on the ocean.
seacraft n. Skill in navigating ocean vessels.
SEACRAFT n. skill in navigation.
WARCRAFTwarcraft n. (Uncountable) The art or skill of conducting a war.
warcraft n. (Countable) A warship.
WARCRAFT n. the art of war.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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