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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, F and I

AFFIANCEaffiance v. (Transitive) To be betrothed to; to promise to marry.
affiance n. Faith, trust.
affiance n. (Archaic) A solemn engagement, especially a pledge of marriage.
AIRCRAFTaircraft n. A vehicle capable of atmospheric flight due to interaction with the air, such as buoyancy or lift.
AIRCRAFT n. a machine for travelling in the air.
ARTIFACTartifact n. An object made or shaped by human hand or labor.
artifact n. An object made or shaped by some agent or intelligence, not necessarily of direct human origin.
artifact n. Something viewed as a product of human agency or conception rather than an inherent element.
BIFACIALbifacial adj. Having two faces or opposing surfaces.
bifacial adj. (Archaeology, of a flint tool) Having two sharp cutting edges.
BIFACIAL adj. having two faces.
CAFFILAScaffilas n. Plural of caffila.
CAFFILA n. (Arabic) a caravan, caravan-train, also CAFILA, KAFILA.
CALIFATEcalifate n. Alternative form of caliphate.
FACEMAILfacemail n. (Computing, technology) Face-to-face communication, as opposed to other non-personal forms of communication.
facemail v. To engage in face-to-face conversation.
facemail v. To send a facemail.
FACETIAEfacetiae n. (Rare) Witty or amusing writings or remarks.
facetiae n. (Archaic, euphemistic) Indecent books.
FACETIAE n. (Latin) witty sayings or writings.
FACIALLYfacially adv. Using or involving the face.
facially adv. (Law, of a law or regulation’s validity) In a facial manner; on its face.
FACIALLY adv. pertaining to the face.
FANATICSfanatics n. Plural of fanatic.
FANATIC n. a zealot.
FARADAICfaradaic adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to electricity, especially to electrical induction.
FARADAIC adj. pertaining to a type of electric current, also FARADIC.
FARCICALfarcical adj. Resembling a farce; ludicrous; absurd.
farcical adj. (Veterinary medicine, obsolete, rare) Pertaining to farcy.
FARCICAL adj. absurd.
FASCIATEfasciate v. (Transitive) To bind.
fasciate v. To apply fascia.
fasciate adj. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage.
FASCIOLAfasciola n. (Anatomy) A band of grey matter bordering the fimbria in the brain; the dentate convolution.
Fasciola prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fasciolidae – certain parasitic trematodes.
FASCIOLA n. (Latin) a band of colour, also FASCIOLE.
FASCISTAFASCISTA n. (Italian) a supporter of fascism, also FASCIST.
FOCACCIAfocaccia n. (Uncountable) A flatbread similar in style, composition, and texture to modern pizza doughs and topped…
focaccia n. (Countable) A sandwich made with this type of bread.
FOCACCIA n. (Italian) a flat Italian bread.
FRASCATIFrascati n. An Italian white wine from the region around the town of Frascati.
FRASCATI n. (Italian) a type of white wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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