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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, K and N

AUTOBANKAUTOBANK n. a machine offering cash and other banking services.
BACKBANDbackband n. A band that passes over the back of a horse and holds up the shafts of a carriage.
BACKBAND n. the band which passes over the back of a horse and holds up the shafts of a carriage.
BACKHANDbackhand n. (Tennis) a stroke made across the chest from the off-hand side to the racquet hand side; a stroke during…
backhand n. Handwriting that leans to the left.
backhand n. (Ultimate Frisbee) the standard throw; a throw during which the disc begins on the off-hand side and…
BACKLANDbackland n. Land that lies behind or beyond some primary settlement or development.
BACKLAND n. a piece of land at the back of an established property.
BANKABLEbankable adj. Acceptable to a bank.
bankable adj. Certain to bring profit and success, especially in the entertainment industry.
bankable adj. Reliable.
BANKCARDbankcard n. A card that a bank issues used by the cardholder in the course of authorization to receive bank services.
bank␣card n. (Banking) A card issued by a bank, which may entitle the holder to a variety of services similar to…
BANKCARD n. a card issued by a bank allowing withdrawal of money etc.
BANKSIASbanksias n. Plural of banksia.
BANKSIA n. an evergreen, flowering shrub, native to Australia.
BANKSMANbanksman n. (UK, civil engineering) The person who directs the operation of a crane or larger vehicle from the point…
BANKSMAN n. an overseer of a pit mouth.
BARKHANSbarkhans n. Plural of barkhan.
BARKHAN n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARCHAN, BARCHANE, BARKAN.
BRAKEMANbrakeman n. (US, rail transport) A railroad employee responsible for a train’s brakes, couplings etc.
brakeman n. (Mining, historical) A person employed to work the steam engine or other machinery that raises the coal from the mine.
brakeman n. (Sports) A person who pulls the brake lever in the sport of bobsleigh.
CANBANKSCANBANK n. the equivalent of a bottle bank for cans.
CLAYBANKclaybank n. A dun-coloured horse.
claybank n. (Color) Dun; brownish-yellow.
CLAYBANK n. a horse of a yellow-brown colour.
DATABANKdatabank n. A database (collection of organized information in a regular structure).
databank n. An organization dedicated to maintaining a database.
data␣bank n. Alternative spelling of databank.
IKEBANASikebanas n. Plural of ikebana.
IKEBANA n. (Japanese) the art of formal flower arrangement.
KABLOONAkabloona n. (Canada, US) A non-Inuit person in Canada or Greenland, especially a European or someone of European descent.
KABLOONA n. (Inuit) a person who is not Inuit.
LOANBACKloanback n. A loan made from a pension or annuity to someone who has contributed money to that pension or annuity.
loanback n. A loan from a trust fund to the grantor that created the fund.
loan-back n. A money laundering or tax avoidance scheme in which money is deposited in an offshore bank and then…
SANDBANKsandbank n. A ridge of sand along a shore that is partially or totally submerged and thus a hazard to shipping.
SANDBANK n. a mound of sand in a river.
SEABANKSseabanks n. Plural of seabank.
SEABANK n. a bank beside the sea.
SNAPBACKsnapback n. The reimposition of an earlier and usually higher tariff.
snapback n. (Slang) An adjustable, flat-brimmed baseball cap with snap fasteners on the back.
SNAPBACK n. a sudden rebound or recovery.
TANBARKStanbarks n. Plural of tanbark.
TANBARK n. a tree bark used for tanning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 126 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 74 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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