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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2B and T

ABATABLEabatable adj. Capable of being abated.
ABATABLE adj. able to be abated as, an abatable writ or nuisance.
ABBATIALabbatial adj. Belonging to, relating to, or pertaining to an abbey, abbot, or abbess.
ABBATIAL adj. pertaining to an abbot.
BACKBEATbackbeat n. (Music) The sharp accent on the second and fourth beats of rock music in 4/4 time.
back␣beat n. (Music) Any of the even beats in music, as opposed to the odd downbeats.
BACKBEAT n. one of the normally unstressed beats in a musical bar, used as a secondary syncopated beat.
BACKSTABbackstab v. (Transitive) to attack someone (especially verbally) unfairly in a deceitful, underhand, or treacherous…
BACKSTAB v. to stab in the back.
BARBATEDbarbated adj. Having barbed points.
BARBATED adj. barbed, bearded, also BARBATE.
BARBITALbarbital n. The first commercially marketed barbiturate, used as a hypnotic drug until the mid-1950s.
BARBITAL n. (US) a derivative of barbituric acid used as a sedative, also BARBITONE.
BAREBOATbareboat adj. Being or pertaining to a charter for the hire of a boat without any crew or provisions included.
BAREBOAT n. a pleasure-boat rented without personnel.
BEATABLEbeatable adj. Able to be beaten.
BEATABLE adj. able to be beaten.
BOATABLEboatable adj. Capable of being transported by boat.
boatable adj. Navigable by boats.
BOATABLE adj. able to be negotiated by boat.
GABBARTSgabbarts n. Plural of gabbart.
GABBART n. (Scots) a kind of barge, also GABBARD.
SABBATHSsabbaths n. Plural of sabbath.
Sabbaths n. Plural of Sabbath.
SABBATH n. (Hebrew) an assembly of demons and witches, also SABBAT.
SABBATICsabbatic adj. Alternative form of sabbatical.
sabbatic n. Alternative form of sabbatical.
SABBATIC n. a period of leave from one's work, also SABBATICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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