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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 3A and 2M

AMALGAMSamalgams n. Plural of amalgam.
AMALGAM n. an alloy of mercury with another metal.
ANALEMMAanalemma n. A figure-eight curve that results when the Sun’s position in the sky is plotted out over the year at…
ANALEMMA n. (Greek) the figure-8 on a map showing the sun's seasonal course.
CAIMACAMcaimacam n. Obsolete form of kaymakam.
CAIMACAM n. (Turkish) a Turkish governor, also CAIMAC, KAIMAKAM, QAIMAQAM.
GAMMADIAgammadia n. Plural of gammadion.
GAMMADION n. (Greek) a Greek ornamental design, also GAMMATION.
GAMMATIAgammatia n. Plural of gammation.
GAMMATION n. a Greek ornamental design, also GAMMADION.
HAMMADAShammadas n. Plural of hammada.
HAMMADA n. (Arabic) a desert plateau of bedrock, also HAMADA.
KAIMAKAMkaimakam n. Alternative spelling of kaymakam.
KAIMAKAM n. (Turkish) a Turkish governor, also CAIMAC, CAIMACAM, QAIMAQAM.
MACADAMSmacadams n. Plural of macadam.
macadams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of macadam.
MacAdams prop.n. A surname.
MAHATMASmahatmas n. Plural of mahatma.
MAHATMA n. (Sanskrit) a religious adept, a sage.
MALAROMAMALAROMA n. an offensive odor, also MALODOR, MALODOUR.
MAMAKAUSMAMAKAU n. (Maori) a tall edible New Zealand tree fern, also MAMAKO, MAMAKU.
MAMALIGAmamaliga n. A maize porridge originating in Romania.
MAMALIGA n. (Romanian) a type of corn meal mush eaten by Rumanians.
MAMASANSmamasans n. Plural of mamasan.
mama-sans n. Plural of mama-san.
MAMASAN n. (Japanese) a Japanese woman in a position of authority.
MAMPARASmamparas n. Plural of mampara.
MAMPARA n. (South African) a fool, idiot.
MATAMATAmatamata n. A species of side-necked turtle, Chelus fimbriatus, whose shell resembles a dead leaf.
Matamata prop.n. A town in the Waikato, North Island, New Zealand.
mata-mata n. (Singapore, Malaysia, slang) A police officer.
MIASMATAmiasmata n. Plural of miasma.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
QAIMAQAMqaimaqam n. Alternative spelling of kaymakam.
QAIMAQAM n. (Turkish) a Turkish governor, also CAIMAC, CAIMACAM, KAIMAKAM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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