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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 3A, D and E

ACADEMIAacademia n. (Collective) The scientific and cultural community engaged in higher education and research, taken as a whole.
academia n. Continuous study at higher education institutions; scholarship.
ACADEMIA n. (Greek) the academic life or world, also ACADEME.
ACAUDATEacaudate adj. (Biology, zoology) Tailless.
ACAUDATE adj. tailless, also ACAUDAL.
ACELDAMAaceldama n. The potter’s field, said to have lain south of Jerusalem, purchased with the bribe which Judas took…
aceldama n. A field of bloodshed, a place of slaughter.
ACELDAMA n. (Aramaic) a place of bloodshed.
ADAMANCEadamance n. The quality of being adamant.
ADAMANCE n. unyielding hardness, also ADAMANCY.
ALAMEDASalamedas n. Plural of alameda.
ALAMEDA n. (Spanish) a public walkway between rows of poplar trees.
APANAGEDapanaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of apanage.
APANAGED adj. having an apanage.
AQUACADEaquacade n. An entertainment consisting of swimmers and divers performing to music.
AQUACADE n. an exhibition of swimming and diving skills.
DAHABEAHdahabeah n. Alternative form of dahabieh.
DATABASEdatabase n. (General) A collection of (usually) organized information in a regular structure, usually but not necessarily…
database n. (Computing) A set of tables and other objects (queries, reports, forms) in the form of a structured data set.
database n. (Computing, loosely, metonymically) A software program (application) for storing, retrieving and manipulating…
DRACAENAdracaena n. (Botany) Any of the genus Dracaena of liliaceous plants with woody stems and funnel-shaped flowers.
Dracaena prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asparagaceae – the dragon trees.
Dracaena prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Teiidae – the caiman lizards.
EMPANADAempanada n. Any of a variety of stuffed pastries found in Spanish, Filipino, and Latin American cuisine.
EMPANADA n. (Spanish) a pastry turnover.
FADEAWAYfadeaway n. An instance of fading away, of diminishing in proximity or intensity.
fadeaway n. (Basketball) A jump shot made while jumping backwards, away from the basket. The goal is to create space…
fadeaway n. (Slang) The ending of a personal relationship by stopping any contact with the other party and not providing…
FANEGADAfanegada n. (Historical) Synonym of fanega (“traditional Spanish unit of volume, mass, or land area”).
FANEGADA n. (Spanish) a dry measure in Spain and Spanish America, also FANEGA, FANGA.
MAZAEDIAmazaedia n. Plural of mazaedium.
MAZAEDIUM n. a spore-producing organ of certain lichens.
METADATAmetadata n. Data that describes other data, serving as an informative label.
metadata n. (Computing) Structured information about a file (date created, creator, software used to create, last…
meta␣data n. Misspelling of metadata.
PAJAMAEDpajamaed adj. (US) Wearing pajamas.
PAJAMAED adj. wearing pajamas.
SALAAMEDsalaamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of salaam.
SALAAM v. (Arabic) to make a salaam, a low bow.
TAPADERAtapadera n. One of the leather hoods that cover the stirrups of a Mexican saddle.
TAPADERA n. (Spanish) the leather guard in front of a Mexican stirrup, also TAPADERO.
VANADATEvanadate n. (Chemistry) any salt of vanadic acid.
vanadate n. (Chemistry) any of the corresponding anions, VO3, VO4, or V2O7.
VANADATE n. a salt of vanadic acid, also VANADIATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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