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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 3A, B and T

ABATABLEabatable adj. Capable of being abated.
ABATABLE adj. able to be abated as, an abatable writ or nuisance.
ABBATIALabbatial adj. Belonging to, relating to, or pertaining to an abbey, abbot, or abbess.
ABBATIAL adj. pertaining to an abbot.
ABRADANTabradant n. A material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.; an abrasive.
abradant adj. Tending to abrade; causing irritation; abrasive.
ABRADANT n. a material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.
ANABATICanabatic adj. (Of a warm air current) rising (up a slope).
anabatic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to anabasis.
anabatic n. Short for anabatic wind.
BACCARATbaccarat n. (Card games) A card game resembling chemin de fer with many forms - usually entailing the player(s)…
BACCARAT n. (French) a French card game, also BACCARA.
BACHATASBACHATA n. (Spanish) a type of Latin American music played with guitar and percussion; a dance performed to this music.
BARATHEAbarathea n. A soft fabric, made from various combinations of wool, silk and cotton, with a lightly ribbed surface.
BARATHEA n. a pebbly silk or worsted fabric with a broken rib weave.
BATAVIASbatavias n. Plural of batavia.
Batavias n. Plural of Batavia.
BATAVIA n. a variety of lettuce with smooth pale green leaves.
BATTALIAbattalia n. (Obsolete, uncountable) Order of battle; disposition or arrangement of troops or of a naval force, ready for action.
battalia n. (Obsolete, countable) An army in battle array; also, the main battalia or body of the army, as distinct…
BATTALIA n. (Italian) the main body of an army.
CATAWBAScatawbas n. Plural of catawba.
Catawbas n. Plural of Catawba.
CATAWBA n. a well known light red variety of American grape; a red wine made from it.
CIABATTAciabatta n. A broad, flat, white Italian bread.
CIABATTA n. (Italian) a kind of bread made with olive oil.
DATABANKdatabank n. A database (collection of organized information in a regular structure).
databank n. An organization dedicated to maintaining a database.
data␣bank n. Alternative spelling of databank.
DATABASEdatabase n. (General) A collection of (usually) organized information in a regular structure, usually but not necessarily…
database n. (Computing) A set of tables and other objects (queries, reports, forms) in the form of a structured data set.
database n. (Computing, loosely, metonymically) A software program (application) for storing, retrieving and manipulating…
MASTABAHmastabah n. Alternative form of mastaba.
MASTABAH n. (Arabic) an ancient Egyptian tomb, also MASTABA.
MASTABASmastabas n. Plural of mastaba.
MASTABA n. (Arabic) an ancient Egyptian tomb, also MASTABAH.
RUTABAGArutabaga n. (Now North America) The swede, or Swedish turnip; the European plant Brassica napus var. napobrassica.
rutabaga n. (Now North America) The edible root of this plant.
ruta-baga n. Alternative form of rutabaga.
TAMBALAStambalas n. Plural of tambala.
TAMBALA n. (Nyanja) a monetary unit of Malawi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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