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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 3A, B and N

ABRADANTabradant n. A material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.; an abrasive.
abradant adj. Tending to abrade; causing irritation; abrasive.
ABRADANT n. a material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.
ANABAENAanabaena n. Any cyanobacterium of the genus Anabaena.
Anabaena prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nostocaceae – some filamentous cyanobacteria.
ANABAENA n. (Greek) a kind of freshwater alga.
ANABASESanabases n. Plural of anabasis.
ANABASIS n. (Greek) an expedition or an advance, esp. a military one; also, a difficult or dangerous retreat.
ANABASISanabasis n. (Historical) A military march up-country, especially that of Cyrus the Younger into Asia.
anabasis n. (Obsolete) The first period, or increase, of a disease; augmentation.
ANABASIS n. (Greek) an expedition or an advance, esp. a military one; also, a difficult or dangerous retreat.
ANABATICanabatic adj. (Of a warm air current) rising (up a slope).
anabatic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to anabasis.
anabatic n. Short for anabatic wind.
BANDANASbandanas n. Plural of bandana.
BANDANA n. (Hindi) a large coloured handkerchief or headscarf, also BANDANNA.
BANDANNAbandanna n. Alternative spelling of bandana.
BANDANNA n. (Hindi) a coloured silk or cotton handkerchief or headscarf, also BANDANA.
BANGALAYBANGALAY n. (Native Australian) an Australian myrtaceous tree with hard red wood.
BARACANSbaracans n. Plural of baracan.
BARACAN n. (French) a coarsely woven fabric of wool, silk, and goat's hair, also BARRACAN.
BARRACANbarracan n. A thick, strong kind of camlet from linen, wool, cotton or all three, usually with a stripe structure…
BARRACAN n. (French) a coarsely woven fabric of wool, silk, and goat's hair, also BARACAN.
BARRANCAbarranca n. A steep-sided gulch or arroyo; a canyon or ravine.
BARRANCA n. (Spanish) a deep ravine, also BARRANCO.
CARNAUBAcarnauba n. A Brazilian palm tree having waxy, fan-shaped leaves and toothed leafstalks, Copernicia prunifera.
carnauba n. (Uncountable) The hard wax obtained from the leaves of this plant and used especially in polishes.
CARNAUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm tree yielding a fine yellowish wax, also CARNAHUBA.
DATABANKdatabank n. A database (collection of organized information in a regular structure).
databank n. An organization dedicated to maintaining a database.
data␣bank n. Alternative spelling of databank.
HABANERAhabanera n. A style of music from Cuba.
habanera n. A dance performed to this music.
HABANERA n. (Spanish) a slow and seductive Cuban dance.
MBAQANGAmbaqanga n. A style of South African music, with rural Zulu roots and a jazz influence, that originated in the 1960s.
MBAQANGA n. (Zulu) a type of Black African urban music.
RABANNASrabannas n. Plural of rabanna.
RABANNA n. (Malagasy) a kind of raffia fabric.
SARABANDsaraband n. Alternative form of sarabande.
SARABAND n. (Spanish) a stately court dance of the 17th and 18th centuries, resembling the minuet, also SARABANDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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