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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, R, T and 2U

ARBUTUSarbutus n. Any flowering plant in the genus Arbutus: the strawberry tree.
arbutus n. Epigaea repens, the mayflower, the trailing arbutus.
arbutus n. Arbute; the wood of the strawberry tree.
AUTEURSauteurs n. Plural of auteur.
AUTEUR n. (French) a film director, esp. when thought of as the creator of a particular genre and carrying a personal stamp, also AUTEURIST.
FUTURALfutural adj. Of or relating to the future.
futural adj. (Grammar) Having a future tense.
FUTURAL adj. of the future.
HAUTEURhauteur n. Haughtiness or arrogance; loftiness.
HAUTEUR n. (French) haughtiness; arrogance.
MUTULARmutular adj. (Architecture) Having or relating to mutules.
MUTULAR adj. relating to a mutule, a kind of square, flat bracket, in Doric architecture.
RAUPATURAUPATU n. (Maori) confiscation of land.
SUTURALsutural adj. (Botany, surgery) Of or pertaining to a suture.
SUTURAL adj. pertaining to the junction between two bones.
TRUMEAUtrumeau n. (Architecture) The pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of a doorway or window…
trumeau n. A trumeau mirror.
TRUMEAU n. (French) a column supporting part of a doorway.
TUBULARtubular adj. Shaped like a tube.
tubular adj. Relating to, or composed of tubes or tubules.
tubular adj. (Slang, dated) Cool, awesome.
TUMULARtumular adj. Consisting of a heap; formed or being in a heap or hillock.
TUMULAR adj. of or like a tumulus, also TUMULARY.
TURACOUturacou n. Alternative form of turaco.
TURACOU n. an African bird, also TOURACO, TURACO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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