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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, N, Q, T and U

ANTIQUEantique adj. Having existed in ancient times, descended from antiquity; used especially in reference to Greece and Rome.
antique adj. Belonging to former times, not modern, out of date, old-fashioned.
antique adj. (Typography) Designating a style of type.
ASQUINTasquint adj. Looking sideways, as though warily.
asquint adv. With narrowed eyes.
ASQUINT adv. obliquely, with a squint.
BANQUETbanquet n. A large celebratory meal; a feast.
banquet n. (Archaic) A dessert; a course of sweetmeats.
banquet n. A ceremonial dinner party for many people.
EQUANTSequants n. Plural of equant.
EQUANT n. (Latin) a geometric adjustment to explain planetary motion.
PIQUANTpiquant adj. (Archaic) Causing hurt feelings; scathing, severe.
piquant adj. Stimulating to the senses; engaging; charming.
piquant adj. Favorably stimulating to the palate; pleasantly spicy; tangy.
QUANNETquannet n. (Archaic) A flat file having the handle at one side, so as to be used like a plane.
QUANNET n. a flat file used like a plane.
QUANTALquantal adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to a quantum.
quantal adj. (Physics) Quantized.
quantal adj. (Biology, of a response) All-or-none.
QUANTEDquanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of quant.
QUANT v. to propel with a pole.
QUANTICquantic n. (Mathematics) A homogeneous polynomial in two or more variables.
QUANTIC n. a kind of mathematical function.
QUANTUMquantum n. (Now chiefly South Asia or law) The total amount of something; quantity.
quantum n. The amount or quantity observably present, or available.
quantum n. (Physics) The smallest possible, and therefore indivisible, unit of a given quantity or quantifiable phenomenon.
QUARTANquartan n. (Medicine, historical) A fever whose symptoms recur every four days.
quartan adj. (Medicine) Recurring every four days; especially in designating a form of malaria with such symptoms.
QUARTAN n. (Latin) a malarial fever recurring every third day.
QUINATEquinate adj. (Botany, of a compound leaf) Featuring five leaflets growing from a single point; quinquefoliolate.
quinate n. (Chemistry) An ester or a salt of quinic acid.
QUINATE adj. arranged in groups of five.
QUINNATquinnat n. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, the chinook salmon.
QUINNAT n. (Native American) a fish, the king-salmon.
QUINTALquintal n. (Historical) Synonym of hundredweight, 100 or 112 English or American pounds.
quintal n. (Historical) Various other similar units of weight in other systems.
quintal n. An unofficial metric unit equal to 100 kg.
QUINTANquintan adj. (Of a fever) Recurring every fifth day.
quintan n. A fever that recurs every fifth day.
QUINTAN n. a malarial fever recurring every fifth day.
QUINTARquintar n. Alternative form of qintar.
QUINTAR n. (Albanian) a monetary unit of Albania, equal to one-hundredth of a lek, also QINDAR, QINTAR.
QUINTASquintas n. Plural of quinta.
QUINTA n. (Spanish) a country house in Spain or Portugal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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