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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, 2N and 2T

ANNATTAANNATTA n. (Caribbean) a yellowish red dye, also ANATTA, ANATTO, ANNATTO, ARNATTO, ARNOTTO.
ANNATTOannatto n. (Countable) A tropical American evergreen shrub, Bixa orellana; the lipstick tree; the fruit of the tree.
annatto n. (Uncountable) The seed of this tree used as a colouring or in Latin American cooking.
annatto n. (Uncountable) An orange-red dye obtained from this seed.
ANTIENTantient n. Obsolete spelling of ancient.
antient adj. Obsolete spelling of ancient.
ANTIENT adj. (obsolete) ancient.
ENTRANTentrant n. A participant who enters something, such as a contest.
entrant n. A newcomer.
ENTRANT n. someone who enters, also INTRANT.
INSTANTinstant n. A very short period of time; a moment.
instant n. A single, usually precise, point in time.
instant n. A beverage or food which has been pre-processed to reduce preparation time, especially instant coffee.
INTRANTintrant adj. (Rare) That enters or penetrates.
intrant n. (Rare) An entrant, especially one who enters on some public duty.
INTRANT n. a person who enters, esp. on membership, office or possession.
MONTANTmontant n. (Fencing, archaic) An upward cut with a blade.
montant n. (Carpentry) An upright piece in any framework, such as a muntin or stile.
montant n. (Drinking) The first scent of a cognac.
TANGENTtangent n. (Differential geometry) A straight line touching a curve at a single point without crossing it there.
tangent n. (Mathematics) A function of an angle that gives the ratio of the sine to the cosine, in either the real…
tangent n. A topic nearly unrelated to the main topic, but having a point in common with it.
TANNATEtannate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of tannic acid.
TANNATE n. a salt of tannic acid.
TANNESTtannest adj. Superlative form of tan: most tan.
TAN adj. brown.
TANTONYtantony n. Synonym of tantony pig.
TANTONY n. the smallest pig in a litter.
TENANTStenants n. Plural of tenant.
tenants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tenant.
Tenants prop.n. Plural of Tenant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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