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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, L, T, U and V

ENVAULTenvault v. (Transitive) To enclose in a vault; to entomb.
ENVAULT v. to enclose in a vault.
OVULATEovulate v. (Intransitive) To produce eggs or ova.
ovulate adj. (Botany) Containing, or bearing, an ovule.
OVULATE v. to produce ova.
UNVITALunvital adj. Lacking vitality.
UNVITAL adj. not vital, also INVITAL.
VALUATEvaluate v. To estimate the value of something; to appraise or to make a valuation.
VALUATE v. to appraise, evaluate.
VALUTASvalutas n. Plural of valuta.
VALUTA n. (Italian) the comparative value of a currency.
VATFULSvatfuls n. Plural of vatful.
VATFUL n. as much as a vat can hold.
VAULTEDvaulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of vault.
vaulted adj. (Architecture) Of a ceiling supported by arches, introduced in the Gothic style.
VAULT v. to leap over, also VAUT, VAUTE, VAWTE.
VAULTERvaulter n. A person who vaults or leaps.
VAULTER n. one who vaults.
VICTUALvictual n. (Archaic) Food fit for human (or occasionally animal) consumption.
victual n. (Archaic, chiefly in the plural) Food supplies; provisions.
victual n. (Specifically, obsolete).
VIRTUALvirtual adj. In effect or essence, if not in fact or reality; imitated, simulated.
virtual adj. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or measurable part; potential.
virtual adj. Nearly, almost. (A relatively recent development in meaning)
VITULARvitular adj. Of or relating to the time of calving.
VITULAR adj. pertaining to a calf, also VITULINE.
VULGATEvulgate adj. (Archaic) Made common, published for common use, vulgarized.
vulgate adj. (Of a text, especially the Bible, not comparable) In or pertaining to the common version or edition.
vulgate n. The vernacular language of a people.
VULVATEvulvate adj. Relating to, or having the form of, a vulva.
VULVATE adj. shaped like a vulva, the external genital of a female animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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