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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, L, S and 2U

ACULEUSaculeus n. (Botany) A sharp spike or other projection growing on a plant, as in some brambles and roses.
aculeus n. A sting.
ACULEUS n. (Latin) a prickle growing on the bark, as in some brambles and roses.
ALUMNUSalumnus n. A male pupil or student.
alumnus n. A male graduate.
alumnus n. A student of any gender.
ANNULUSannulus n. A ring- or donut-shaped area or structure.
annulus n. (Geometry) The region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radii.
annulus n. (Topology) Any topological space homeomorphic to the region in a plane between two concentric circles…
ARGULUSArgulus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Argulidae – fish lice.
ARGULUS n. (Latin) a fish louse.
FAMULUSfamulus n. A close attendant or assistant, especially of a magician or occult scholar.
FAMULUS n. (Latin) an assistant, esp. to a magician or a scholar.
HAMULUShamulus n. (Anatomy) A hook, or hooklike process.
hamulus n. (Zoology) A hooked barbicel of a feather.
HAMULUS n. (Latin) a small hook.
LUCUMASlucumas n. Plural of lucuma.
lúcumas n. Plural of lúcuma.
LUCUMA n. (Quechua) a tree of the Lucuma genus of sapotaceous trees with edible fruit, mostly found in South America.
MUTUALSmutuals n. Plural of mutual.
MUTUAL n. a financial institution owned by its customers.
PURSUALpursual n. The act of pursuit.
PURSUAL n. the act of pursuit.
RAMULUSramulus n. (Zoology) A small branch, or branchlet, of corals, hydroids, and similar organisms.
RAMULUS n. (Latin) a little branch.
RUSSULArussula n. A mushroom of the genus Russula.
Russula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Russulaceae – common, large, bright-colored, often edible mushrooms.
RUSSULA n. any fungus of the genus Russula.
SUBDUALsubdual n. An act of subduing; a successful defeat.
SUBDUAL n. the act of subduing.
SUTURALsutural adj. (Botany, surgery) Of or pertaining to a suture.
SUTURAL adj. pertaining to the junction between two bones.
UMLAUTSumlauts n. Plural of umlaut.
umlauts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of umlaut.
ümlauts n. Plural of ümlaut.
UNUSUALunusual adj. Not usual, out of the ordinary.
unusual n. Something that is unusual; an anomaly.
UNUSUAL adj. not usual.
USUALLYusually adv. Most of the time; less than always, but more than occasionally.
usually adv. Under normal conditions.
USUAL adv. customary.
UVULARSuvulars n. Plural of uvular.
UVULAR n. a sound produced by use of the uvula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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