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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, L, R, U and Y

AURALLYaurally adv. Pertaining to sound or the ear; via or through the sense of hearing.
AURALLY adv. like an ear.
BULLARYbullary n. (Ecclesiastical) A collection of papal bulls.
bullary n. A place for boiling or preparing salt; a boilery.
bullary adj. (Anatomy) relating to a bulla.
BUTYRALbutyral n. (Organic chemistry) butyraldehyde.
BUTYRAL n. a kind of resin.
CURABLYcurably adv. In a curable manner.
CURABLE adv. able to be cured.
DURABLYdurably adv. In a durable manner.
DURABLE adv. lasting.
EPULARYepulary adj. (Rare) of or pertaining to feasts.
EPULARY adj. concerning feasting.
HYPURALhypural adj. Under the tail; applied to the bones that support the caudal fin rays in most fishes.
hypural n. Such a bone.
HYPURAL adj. situated beneath the tail.
JURALLYjurally adv. In jural terms.
JURAL adv. pertaining to law.
LAUNDRYlaundry n. A laundering; a washing.
laundry n. A place or room where laundering is done - including, by extension, other forms of laundering than clothes washing.
laundry n. That which needs to be, is being, or has been laundered.
LAURYLSLAURYL n. a radical in lauryl alcohol, an ingredient in some detergents.
OVULARYovulary n. (Botany) The structure that contains an ovule or ovules in a flowering plant.
ovulary adj. (Biology) Pertaining to ovules.
OVULARY adj. relating or belonging to an ovule, also OVULAR.
PLANURYPLANURY n. the discharge of urine through an abnormal passage, also PLANURIA.
RURALLYrurally adv. In a rural way.
rurally adv. In a rural place; in the countryside.
RURAL adv. belonging to the countryside.
TRAYFULtrayful n. As much as a tray will hold.
TRAYFUL n. as much as a tray can hold.
UNROYALunroyal adj. Not royal; in particular, not appropriate for a royal.
UNROYAL adj. not royal.
URANYLSuranyls n. Plural of uranyl.
URANYL n. the radical UO2, present in some compounds of uranium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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