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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, L, N and 2U

ALUMNUSalumnus n. A male pupil or student.
alumnus n. A male graduate.
alumnus n. A student of any gender.
ANNULUSannulus n. A ring- or donut-shaped area or structure.
annulus n. (Geometry) The region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radii.
annulus n. (Topology) Any topological space homeomorphic to the region in a plane between two concentric circles…
FAUNULAFAUNULA n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULE.
FAUNULEfaunule n. A thin stratum of animal fossils.
FAUNULE n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULA.
LUNULAElunulae n. Plural of lunula.
lunulæ n. Archaic form of lunulae.
LUNULA n. (Latin) a Bronze Age crescent necklace.
LUNULARlunular adj. (Botany) Having a form like that of the new moon; crescent-shaped.
LUNULAR adj. crescent-shaped.
NEURULAneurula n. (Zoology) An embryo of vertebrates in the stage when the primitive band is first developed.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
PUNALUApunalua n. A member of a traditional Hawaiian group marriage between two or more brothers with their wives, or…
PUNALUA n. (Hawaiian) the marriage of brothers of one family to sisters of another.
ULULANTululant adj. Howling; wailing.
ULULANT adj. howling.
UNADULTunadult adj. Not adult.
UNADULT adj. not adult.
UNDULARundular adj. Having the form of a moving wave.
UNDULAR adj. undulating, wavy, also UNDULANT.
UNEQUALunequal adj. Not the same.
unequal adj. Out of balance.
unequal adj. (Comparable) Inadequate; insufficiently capable or qualified.
UNGULAEungulae n. Plural of ungula.
UNGULA n. (Latin) a nail, claw or hoof, also UNGUIS.
UNGULARungular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to a hoof, claw, or talon.
UNGULAR adj. of or like an ungula, a hoof, claw, or talon.
UNUSUALunusual adj. Not usual, out of the ordinary.
unusual n. Something that is unusual; an anomaly.
UNUSUAL adj. not usual.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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