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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, L, M, N and Y

ALIMONYalimony n. (Law) A court-mandated allowance made to a former spouse by a divorced or legally separated person.
alimony n. The means to support life.
ALIMONY n. an allowance paid to a partner after divorce.
ALLONYMallonym n. A pseudonym, (particularly) another person’s name used as a pseudonym by the author of a work.
allonym n. (Uncommon) An allonymous work: a book published under the name of a person other than its true author.
ALLONYM n. the name of a person, usually historical, taken by an author as a pen name (as opposed to using a fictional pseudonym).
ALMONDYalmondy adj. Redolent of almonds.
ALMONDY adj. having an almond flavour.
ALMONRYalmonry n. (Historical) A building in which alms were distributed.
ALMONRY n. a place where alms are distributed.
AMYLENEamylene n. (Obsolete, organic chemistry) pentene.
amylene n. A colorless, volatile, mobile liquid consisting of a mixture of different isomers of this hydrocarbon.
AMYLENE n. an unsaturated hydrocarbon of the olefine series, aka pentene.
ANOMALYanomaly n. A deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal; an outlier.
anomaly n. Something or someone that is strange or unusual.
anomaly n. (Sciences) Any event or measurement that is out of the ordinary regardless of whether it is exceptional or not.
CALUMNYcalumny n. (Countable) A false accusation or charge brought to tarnish another’s reputation or standing.
calumny n. (Uncountable) Falsifications or misrepresentations intended to disparage or discredit another.
calumny v. (Transitive, formal) To make false accusations or levy false charges against a person with the intent…
HUMANLYhumanly adv. In a human manner.
HUMAN adv. like a human being.
HYMENALhymenal adj. Of, or pertaining to, the hymen.
HYMENAL adj. pertaining to the hymen.
HYMNALShymnals n. Plural of hymnal.
HYMNAL n. a hymn book, also HYMNARY, HYMNBOOK.
MANGILYmangily adv. In a mangy manner.
MANGY adv. affected with mange, also MANGEY.
MANLILYmanlily adv. In a manly way.
MANLY adv. having the qualities of a man.
NYMPHALnymphal adj. Of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs.
NYMPHAL adj. of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs, also NYMPHEAN.
SALMONYsalmony adj. Resembling salmon or some aspect of it.
SALMONY adj. of or like a salmon.
UNMANLYunmanly adj. (Of a person) Showing characteristics that are not manly, such as being immature, effeminate or cowardly…
unmanly adj. Of or pertaining to something not human.
unmanly adj. (Of a behaviour or action) Cowardly, base.
WOMANLYwomanly adj. Considered typical of, stereotypical of, or appropriate to women; feminine.
womanly adj. (Rare) Female.
womanly adv. In the manner of a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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