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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, 2L, P and R

PALLIERpallier adj. Comparative form of pally: more pally.
PALLY adj. marked by close friendship.
PALLORSpallors n. Plural of pallor.
PALLOR n. paleness esp. of the complexion.
PARELLAPARELLA n. (French) a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLE.
PARELLEparelle n. A crustaceous lichen yielding orchil, cudbear, and litmus.
PARELLE n. a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLA.
PAYROLLpayroll n. A list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each.
payroll n. The total sum of money paid to employees.
payroll n. (Accounting) The calculation of salaries and wages and the deduction of taxes etc.; the department in…
PERILLAperilla n. An East Asian herb with flavorful leaves used in cooking and as a garnish, Perilla frutescens. Also…
Perilla prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – the shiso herb, found in southeast and east Asia.
PERILLA n. (Latin) a genus of labiate herbs, of which one species is often cultivated for its purple or variegated foliage.
PILLARSpillars n. Plural of pillar.
Pillars prop.n. Plural of Pillar.
PILLAR v. to supply with vertical building supports.
PILULARpilular adj. Of or relating to pills.
pilular adj. Resembling a pill or pills.
PILULAR adj. like a pilule, a small pill.
PLEURALpleural adj. Of, relating to, or affecting the pleura, or the sides of the thorax.
pleural adj. Thin and transparent.
PLEURAL adj. of or pertaining to the pleura or pleurae, or to the sides of the thorax.
PLURALSplurals n. Plural of plural.
PLURAL n. a word that expresses more than one.
POLLARDpollard n. (Often attributive) A pruned tree; the wood of such trees.
pollard n. A buck deer that has shed its antlers.
pollard n. A hornless variety of domestic animal, as cattle or goats.
PROBALLPROBALL adj. (Shakespeare) supposedly means plausible.
SPALLERspaller n. A tool used to remove concrete.
spaller n. A person who breaks down stone into smaller pieces.
SPALLER n. one who spalls; a tool for spalling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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