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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, 2L, O and W

ALLOWEDallowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of allow.
allowed adj. Permitted, authorized.
allowed adj. (Now rare) Allotted.
BALLOWSballows n. Plural of ballow.
Ballows prop.n. Plural of Ballow.
BALLOW n. (Shakespeare) a cudgel.
CALLOWScallows n. Plural of callow.
Callows prop.n. Plural of Callow.
CALLOW n. an alluvial flat.
FALLOWSfallows n. Plural of fallow (uncultivated land).
fallows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fallow.
Fallows prop.n. A surname.
GALLOWSgallows n. Wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging.
gallows n. (Colloquial, obsolete) A wretch who deserves to be hanged.
gallows n. (Printing, obsolete) The rest for the tympan when raised.
HALLOWShallows n. Plural of hallow.
hallows n. (Archaic) The relics or remains of a saint, or the shrines in which they are kept.
hallows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hallow.
LOWBALLlowball adj. Significantly below the actual cost or value.
lowball n. The position of the ball on an American railroad ball signal that indicated Stop.
lowball n. (Poker) A form of poker in which the lowest-ranking poker hand wins the pot. Usually the ace is the…
LOWLANDlowland n. An area which is considered particularly low or lower than surrounding areas.
LOWLAND n. an area of land lying lower than the adjacent country, also LALLAN, LALLAND, LAWLAND.
MALLOWSmallows n. Plural of mallow.
Mallows prop.n. Plural of Mallow.
MALLOW n. any of various plants of the family Malvaceae and esp. of the genus Malva, typically with deeply-cleft purple flowers.
ROLLWAYrollway n. An inclined slope or chute prepared for rolling logs into a stream or into a mill.
rollway n. (Rare) A series of cylindrical metal rolls placed between two rails and spaced apart, used to convey…
ROLLWAY n. an incline for rolling logs.
SALLOWSsallows n. Plural of sallow.
sallows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sallow.
SALLOW v. to make sallow.
SALLOWYsallowy adj. Having many sallows.
sallowy adj. Of a sallow tinge; yellowish.
SALLOWY adj. abounding in sallows, willow trees.
SHALLOWshallow adj. Having little depth; significantly less deep than wide.
shallow adj. Extending not far downward.
shallow adj. Concerned mainly with superficial matters.
SWALLOWswallow v. (Transitive) To cause (Food, drink etc.) to pass from the mouth into the stomach; to take into the stomach…
swallow v. (Transitive) To take (something) in so that it disappears; to consume, absorb.
swallow v. (Intransitive) To take food down into the stomach; to make the muscular contractions of the oesophagus…
TALLOWStallows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tallow.
TALLOW v. to smear with a mixture of animal fats.
TALLOWYtallowy adj. Resembling tallow.
TALLOWY adj. of or like tallow, also TALLOWISH.
TOLLWAYtollway n. A toll road or toll highway, where a fee is charged in order to travel on it; a turnpike.
TOLLWAY n. a road on which tolls are collected.
WADMOLLwadmoll n. Alternative form of wadmol.
WADMOLL n. (Old Norse) a thick, coarse woollen cloth, also WADMAL, WADMAAL, WADMEL, WADMOL.
WALLOPSwallops n. Plural of wallop.
wallops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wallop.
Wallops prop.n. Ellipsis of Wallops Island.
WALLOWSwallows n. Plural of wallow.
WALLOW v. to roll about.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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