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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, 2L, N and T

ANTHILLanthill n. A cone-shaped structure built from sediment and other available materials by ants or termites, and beneath…
ant-hill n. A mound-shaped nest built or inhabited by ants or termites.
ant␣hill n. Alternative form of anthill.
BALLANTBALLANT n. (Scots) a ballad.
BALLANT v. to make ballads about, also BALLAD, BALLAT, BALLET.
CALLANTcallant n. (Scotland) lad, boy.
CALLANT n. (Scots) a boy, a fellow, also CALLAN.
ENTRALLENTRALL n. (Spenser) an entrail.
GALLANTgallant adj. Brave, valiant.
gallant adj. Honorable.
gallant adj. Grand, noble.
GALLNUTgallnut n. A gall on a tree, caused by insects, that resembles a nut.
gall-nut n. Alternative spelling of gallnut.
GALLNUT n. a round gall produced on the leaves and shoots of various species of the oak tree, also NUTGALL.
GELLANTgellant n. A gelling or thickening agent.
GELLANT n. a substance used to make things gel, also GELANT.
INSTALLinstall v. (Transitive) To connect, set up or prepare something for use, often specifically (in Computing) to transfer…
install v. (Transitive) To admit formally into an office, rank or position.
install v. (Transitive) To establish or settle in.
LANITALLANITAL n. a woollike fibre.
NETBALLnetball n. (Uncountable) A (usually women’s) team sport derived from basketball, with seven players on each side…
netball n. (Countable) The ball used in this sport.
net-ball n. Dated form of netball.
NUTGALLnutgall n. A kind of gall on a tree formed in response to damage or parasite, with a nut-like shape.
NUTGALL n. a round gall produced on the leaves and shoots of various species of the oak tree, also GALLNUT.
SLANTLYslantly adv. Slantwise.
SLANT adv. oblique.
TALLENTtallent n. Archaic form of talent (ancient unit of weight and money).
Tallent prop.n. A surname.
TALLENT n. (Shakespeare) an old weight, also TALENT.
TOLLMANtollman n. A man who receives or collects a toll.
TOLLMAN n. one who receives or collects toll; a toll gatherer.
TONALLYtonally adv. In a tonal manner.
tonally adv. Regarding tone.
TONAL adv. pertaining to tone.
ULULANTululant adj. Howling; wailing.
ULULANT adj. howling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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