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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, 2L, M and U

ALLIUMSalliums n. Plural of allium.
ALLIUM n. (Latin) a plant of the Allium genus to which onions, garlics, leeks etc. belong.
AMPULLAampulla n. (Historical) An Ancient Roman two-handled vessel.
ampulla n. A vessel for containing consecrated wine or oil.
ampulla n. (Anatomy) The dilated end of a duct.
BALLIUMballium n. Synonym of bailey (“fortification”).
BALLIUM n. the outer wall and first line of defence of a castle.
FULLAMSfullams n. Plural of fullam.
Fullams prop.n. Plural of Fullam.
FULLAM n. a loaded die, also FULHAM, FULLAN.
GALLIUMgallium n. A chemical element (symbol Ga) with an atomic number of 31; a soft bluish metal.
GALLIUM n. a rare metallic element, found in certain zinc ores.
GUMBALLgumball n. Chewing gum sold as a ball usually coated with colored hard sugar.
gumball n. (Slang) A silly, laughable person.
gumball n. (US, slang) The flashing lights on top of a police car.
LUMENALlumenal adj. Of or pertaining to the lumen.
lumenal adj. Relating to the cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ.
LUMENAL adj. of a lumen, a unit of luminous flux, also LUMINAL.
LUMINALluminal adj. (Biology) of or pertaining to the lumen.
luminal adj. (Physics) of or pertaining to the nature of light.
luminal adj. (Physics) light-speed; having the speed of light (usually in the void).
MALLEUSmalleus n. (Anatomy) The small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear.
malleus n. (Ichthyology) The tripus (ossicle in cypriniform fishes).
malleus n. (Zoology) One of the paired calcareous structures within the mastax of rotifers.
MEDULLAmedulla n. The soft inner part of something, especially the pith of a fruit.
medulla n. (Anatomy) The inner substance of various organs and structures, especially the marrow of bones.
medulla n. (Anatomy, neuroanatomy) The medulla oblongata.
MULLAHSmullahs n. Plural of mullah.
MULLAH v. to inflict a severe defeat upon, also MULLER.
PALLIUMpallium n. (Historical) A large cloak worn by Greek philosophers and teachers.
pallium n. (Christianity) A woolen liturgical vestment resembling a collar and worn over the chasuble in the Western…
pallium n. (Malacology) The mantle of a mollusc.
PALMFULpalmful n. Enough to fill the palm of one’s hand.
PALMFUL n. as much as a palm can hold.
PLUMULAplumula n. (Botany) A plumule.
plumula n. (Zoology) A down feather.
PLUMULA n. (Latin) the embryo shoot in a seed, also PLUMULE.
PULLMANPullman n. (Rail transport, US) A railroad passenger car; especially one of the luxurious ones named after the…
Pullman n. A train made up of Pullman coaches.
Pullman prop.n. A surname, notably that of George Pullman.
VALLUMSvallums n. Plural of vallum.
VALLUM n. (Latin) a rampart; a wall of earth thrown up from a ditch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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