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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, K, N, O and S

ACKNOWSacknows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acknow.
ACKNOW v. (obsolete) to recognize, acknowledge.
ANORAKSanoraks n. Plural of anorak.
ANORAK n. (Inuit) a waterproof jacket with hood.
DAIKONSdaikons n. Plural of daikon.
DAIKON n. (Japanese) a long white root vegetable similar to a radish.
KALONGSkalongs n. Plural of kalong.
KALONG n. (Malay) a fruit-eating bat.
KAOLINSkaolins n. Plural of kaolin.
KAOLIN n. (Chinese) a very pure white clay used to form the paste of porcelain; aka China clay, also KAOLINE.
KARYONSkaryons n. Plural of karyon.
KARYON n. the cell nucleus.
KATIONSkations n. Plural of kation.
KATION n. a positively charged ion, also CATION.
KLAXONSklaxons n. Plural of klaxon.
KLAXON v. to sound a klaxon.
KOBANGSkobangs n. Plural of kobang.
KOBANG n. (Japanese) an obsolete Japanese gold coin, also KOBAN, OBANG.
KONAKISkonakis n. Plural of konaki.
KONAKI n. (Maori) in New Zealand, a farm vehicle with runners at the front and wheels at the rear, also KONEKE.
KORUNASkorunas n. Plural of koruna.
KORUNA n. (Czech) a Czech monetary unit.
KOULANSkoulans n. Plural of koulan.
KOULAN n. a wild ass inhabiting the plains of Central Asia, aka onager, also KULAN.
NANOOKSnanooks n. Plural of nanook.
NANOOK n. (Inuit) a polar bear.
NOCAKESNOCAKE n. (Native American) a meal made from parched maize.
RYOKANSryokans n. Plural of ryokan.
RYOKAN n. (Japanese) a traditional Japanese inn.
SANTOKUsantoku n. A Japanese knife for general culinary usage.
SANTOKU n. (Japanese) a kind of Japanese kitchen knife.
SOAKINGsoaking v. Present participle of soak.
soaking n. Immersion in water; a drenching or dunking.
soaking n. The practice of inserting a penis into a vagina and remaining stationary, without thrusting, supposedly…
SOCKMANsockman n. Alternative form of socman.
SOCKMAN n. a tenant by socage, also SOCAGER, SOCMAN, SOKEMAN.
SOKEMANsokeman n. Alternative form of socman.
SOKEMAN n. a tenant by socage, also SOCAGER, SOCKMAN, SOCMAN.
WEAKONSweakons n. Plural of weakon.
WEAKON n. a subatomic particle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 147 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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