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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, I, 2T and Y

AMBITTYambitty adj. (Glassmaking) Of glass: covered with stony speckles, symptoms of incipient devitrification.
AMBITTY adj. denoting glass which has become devitrified and brittle.
BATTILYbattily adv. In a batty manner.
BATTY adv. (colloquial) crazy.
CATTILYcattily adv. In a catty manner.
CATTY adv. spiteful.
DITTANYdittany n. A labiate plant, Origanum dictamnus, formerly renowned for its medicinal properties; dittany of Crete.
dittany n. A fragrant plant in the rue family, Dictamnus albus.
dittany n. Pseudodictamnus mediterraneus (syn. Ballota pseudodictamnus; false dittany).
DITTAYSdittays n. Plural of dittay.
DITTAY n. (Scots) a legal charge in Scots law.
FATTILYfattily adv. In a fatty way.
FATTY adv. greasy or oily.
FATUITYfatuity n. Weakness or imbecility of mind; stupidity.
fatuity n. Something fatuous; a stupid idea or utterance.
FATUITY n. complacent stupidity.
MATTIFYmattify v. (Of a cosmetic) to produce a matt effect or reduce the shiny appearance of the skin.
MATTIFY v. to use cosmetics to reduce the shine of skin.
NATTILYnattily adv. In a natty manner.
NATTY adv. neatly dressed.
RATTILYrattily adv. In a ratty manner.
RATTY adv. infested with rats.
SATIETYsatiety n. The state of being satiated.
SATIETY n. the state of being satiated.
TACITLYtacitly adv. In a tacit manner; done in silence or implied.
TACIT adv. unspoken; understood or implied without being expressed directly.
TANTIVYtantivy adv. (Obsolete) At full tilt.
tantivy n. (Obsolete) A rapid gallop.
tantivy n. (Informal) The sound of a hunting horn in imitation of a galloping horse.
TARTILYtartily adv. In a tarty manner.
TARTY adv. like a prostitute.
TASTILYtastily adv. In a tasty way.
TASTY adv. pleasant to the taste.
TATTILYtattily adv. In a tatty manner.
TATTY adv. shabby, frayed.
TRAYBITTRAYBIT n. (Australian slang) a threepenny bit, also TREYBIT.
VASTITYvastity n. (Obsolete) Emptiness or desolation.
vastity n. Vastness.
YTTRIASyttrias n. Plural of yttria.
YTTRIA n. a chemical compound, the oxide of yttrium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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