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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, I and 3T

ATTAINTattaint adj. (Obsolete) Convicted, attainted.
attaint adj. (Obsolete) Attainted; corrupted.
attaint v. (Archaic) To subject to attainder; to condemn (someone) to death and extinction of all civil rights.
ATTRISTattrist v. (Archaic, transitive) To sadden; to make sad.
ATTRIST v. (obsolete) to sadden.
ATTRITEattrite v. Alternative form of attrit.
attrite adj. Regretful of one’s wrongdoing merely due to fear of punishment.
attrite adj. Worn by rubbing or friction.
ATTRITSattrits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of attrit.
attrits n. Plural of attrit.
ATTRIT v. to wear down, also ATTRITE.
ATTUITEattuite v. (Transitive) To become aware of (a thing) due to attuition.
ATTUITE v. to sense but not quite perceive.
ETATISTETATIST adj. relating to etatism, extreme state control over the individual.
FATTISTfattist n. An advocate of fattism.
fattist adj. Of, relating to, or advocating fattism.
FATTIST adj. discriminating against fat people.
LATITATlatitat n. (UK, law, historical) A writ based upon the presumption that the person summoned was hiding.
LATITAT n. (Latin) a writ based on the supposition that a person is in hiding.
STATISTstatist n. A supporter of statism.
statist n. (Dated) A statistician.
statist n. (Archaic) A skilled politician or one with political power, knowledge or influence.
TATTIERtattier adj. Comparative form of tatty: more tatty.
TATTY adj. shabby, frayed.
TATTIEStatties n. Plural of tatty.
TATTIE n. (colloquial) a potato, also TATER, TATIE.
TATTILYtattily adv. In a tatty manner.
TATTY adv. shabby, frayed.
TATTINGtatting n. A form of looped and knotted lace needlework made from a single thread.
tatting n. The art of making such lace.
tatting v. Present participle of tat.
TITRANTtitrant n. (Analytical chemistry) The reagent of known concentration and volume used in titrations.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
TITRATEtitrate v. (Analytical chemistry) To ascertain the amount of a constituent in a solution (or other mixture) by…
titrate v. (Medicine, intransitive) To adjust the amount of a drug consumed until the desired effects are achieved.
titrate v. (Figuratively) To precisely control.
VITTATEvittate adj. Having longitudinal stripes.
vittate adj. Having vittae.
VITTATE adj. marked or striped with vittae, bands or stripes of colour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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