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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, I, P and 2T

ANTIPOTantipot adj. (Informal) Opposed to the use of marijuana.
ANTIPOT adj. opposed to using marijuana.
APATITEapatite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium fluoride phosphate of variable composition, sometimes used in the manufacture…
APATITE n. a mineral, calcium fluoride phosphate, used as a fertilizer.
APTOTICaptotic adj. (Grammar, linguistics, now rare) Uninflected.
aptotic adj. (Biology, rare) Misspelling of apoptotic.
APTOTIC adj. grammatically uninflected.
BAPTISTbaptist n. A person who baptizes.
Baptist n. An adherent of a Protestant denomination (or various subdenominations) of Christianity, which believes…
Baptist adj. Of, relating to, or adhering to the Baptist religious denomination.
PARTITApartita n. (Music) A type of instrumental suite popular in the 18th century.
PARTITA n. (Italian) a suite; a set of variations.
PARTITEpartite adj. Divided into parts.
-partite suff. (Forming adjectives) Having the specified number of parts.
PARTITE adj. divided; (esp. of plant leaves) cut nearly to the base.
PATIENTpatient adj. (Of a person) Willing to wait if necessary; not losing one’s temper while waiting.
patient adj. Constant in pursuit or exertion; persevering; calmly diligent.
patient adj. (Obsolete) Physically able to suffer or bear.
PATRIOTpatriot n. A person who loves and zealously supports and defends their country.
patriot n. (Archaic) A fellow countryman, a compatriot.
Patriot prop.n. (US, military) A surface-to-air missile system.
PATTIESpatties n. Plural of patty.
patties n. Plural of pattie.
PATTY n. a small, flat cake of chopped food, also PATTIE.
PATTINGpatting v. Present participle of pat.
patting n. The act by which something is patted.
PAT v. to stroke gently.
PITAPATpitapat v. Alternative spelling of pit-a-pat.
pitapat n. Alternative spelling of pit-a-pat.
pitapat adv. Alternative spelling of pit-a-pat.
PITUITApituita n. (Medicine, now only historical) Phlegm; mucus.
PITUITA n. (archaic) phlegm, mucus, also PITUITE.
TALIPATtalipat n. Alternative form of talipot.
TALIPAT n. (Sinhalese) a very tall southern Indian fan palm with enormous leaves which are used as sunshades etc., also TALIPOT.
TALIPOTtalipot n. A tall palm tree, Corypha umbraculifera, from Sri Lanka and southern India, having very large leaves…
TALIPOT n. (Sinhalese) a very tall southern Indian fan palm with enormous leaves which are used as sunshades etc., also TALIPAT.
TAPETIStapetis n. Plural of tapeti.
TAPETI n. (Tupi) a small South American hare.
TAPISTStapists n. Plural of tapist.
TAPIST n. one who revels in the use of red tape.
TIPCARTtipcart n. A cart constructed so that the body can be easily tipped, in order to dump the load.
TIPCART n. a cart so constructed that the body can be easily tipped, in order to dump the load.
TIPCATStipcats n. Plural of tipcat.
tip-cats n. Plural of tip-cat.
TIPCAT n. a game in which a small piece of wood pointed at both ends, called a cat, is tipped, or struck with a stick or bat, so as to fly into the air.
TRIPARTtripart adj. Having three parts.
TRIPART adj. divided into three parts.
TRIPTANtriptan n. Any of a family of tryptamine-based drugs used as abortive medication in the treatment of migraine and…
TRIPTAN n. a drug for treating migraine attacks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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