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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, I, P, R and V

OVIPARAovipara n. (Zoology) oviparous organisms.
ovipara n. An aphid in its oviparous form.
OVIPARA n. an artificial division of vertebrates, including those that lay eggs.
PARVISEparvise n. Alternative spelling of parvis.
PARVISE n. an enclosed area in front of a church, also PARVIS.
PAVIORSpaviors n. Plural of pavior.
PAVIOR n. a person who lays paving-stones; a machine for tamping down paving-stones, also PAVER, PAVIOUR.
PAVIOURpaviour n. Alternative form of pavior.
PAVIOUR n. a person who lays paving-stones; a machine for tamping down paving-stones, also PAVER, PAVIOR.
PAVISERPAVISER n. a soldier carrying a pavis.
PRAVITYpravity n. (Now rare, archaic) perversion, depravity; wickedness.
PRAVITY n. wickedness.
PREVAILprevail v. (Intransitive) To be superior in strength, dominance, influence or frequency; to have or gain the advantage…
prevail v. (Intransitive) To be current, widespread or predominant; to have currency or prevalence.
prevail v. (Intransitive) To succeed in persuading or inducing.
PRIVACYprivacy n. (Uncountable) The state of being secluded from the presence, sight, or knowledge of others.
privacy n. (Uncountable) Freedom from unwanted or undue disturbance of one’s private life.
privacy n. (Uncountable) Freedom from damaging publicity, public scrutiny, surveillance, and disclosure of personal…
PRIVADOprivado n. (Obsolete) A private friend; a confidant.
PRIVADO n. (obsolete) a private friend; a confidant.
PRIVATEprivate adj. Belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group.
private adj. Not accessible by the public.
private adj. Not in governmental office or employment.
VAMPIERvampier adj. Comparative form of vampy: more vampy.
VAMPY adj. like a vamp, also VAMPISH.
VAMPIREvampire n. A mythological undead creature said to feed on the blood of the living.
vampire n. (Colloquial) A person with the medical condition systemic lupus erythematosus, colloquially known as…
vampire n. A blood-sucking bat; vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus).
VAPIDERvapider adj. Comparative form of vapid: more vapid.
VAPID adj. empty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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