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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, I, O, S and V

ADVISORadvisor n. One who offers advice.
advisor n. (Xiangqi) A xiangqi piece, that is moved one point diagonally and confined within the palace.
ADVISOR n. one who gives counsel.
DISAVOWdisavow v. (Transitive) To strongly and solemnly refuse to own or acknowledge; to deny responsibility for, approbation…
disavow v. (Transitive) To deny; to show the contrary of; to deny legitimacy or achievement of any kind.
DISAVOW v. to disclaim responsibility for.
EVASIONevasion n. The act of eluding or evading or avoiding, particularly the pressure of an argument, accusation, charge…
EVASION n. the act of evading.
HAVIORSHAVIOR n. (obsolete) behavior, demeanor, also HAVEOUR, HAVIOUR.
OVARIESovaries n. Plural of ovary.
OVARY n. a female reproduction gland.
OVISACSovisacs n. Plural of ovisac.
OVISAC n. a brood-pouch; an egg capsule.
PAVIORSpaviors n. Plural of pavior.
PAVIOR n. a person who lays paving-stones; a machine for tamping down paving-stones, also PAVER, PAVIOUR.
SAVIORSsaviors n. Plural of savior.
SAVIOR n. one who saves, also SAVIOUR.
SAVIOURsaviour n. Britain and Canada spelling of savior.
Saviour prop.n. Britain standard spelling of Savior.
Saviour prop.n. (Uncommon) A male given name from English.
SYNOVIAsynovia n. Plural of synovium.
synovia n. (Anatomy) Synonym of synovial fluid.
SYNOVIA n. a lubricating fluid secreted by certain membranes.
TRAVOIStravois n. A historical frame structure that was used by indigenous peoples, notably the Plains Aboriginals of…
TRAVOIS n. a kind of North American Indian sledge, also TRAVOISE.
VARIOUSvarious det. More than one (of an indeterminate set of things).
various adj. Having a broad range (of different elements).
various adj. (Dated) That varies or differs from others; variant; different.
VIATORSviators n. Plural of viator.
Viators prop.n. Plural of Viator.
VIATOR n. (Latin) a traveller.
VIRAGOSviragos n. Plural of virago.
VIRAGO n. (Latin) a noisy, domineering woman.
VOMICASvomicas n. Plural of vomica.
VOMICA n. (Latin) a cavity in the body containing pus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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