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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, I, 2O and R

AMORINOamorino n. (Art) A cupid (a putto, commonly with bow and arrow, representing love).
AMORINO n. (Italian) a cupid.
ARBORIOarborio n. Ellipsis of arborio rice.
Arborio n. Alternative letter-case form of arborio.
ARBORIO n. (Italian) a round-grained rice used in making risotto.
ARIOSOSariosos n. Plural of arioso.
ARIOSO n. (Italian) a melody resembling an aria.
BORONIAboronia n. Any of several aromatic herbs, of the genus Boronia, used in perfumery.
BORONIA n. an Australian scented shrub.
CARIBOOcariboo n. Archaic form of caribou.
CARIBOO n. (Canadian) a large deer found in Canada, also CARIBOU.
KOROWAIkorowai n. A woven Maori cloak covered with muka tassels.
Korowai n. A member of a people of southeastern Papua who are hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists.
Korowai prop.n. The Nuclear-Trans-New-Guinean language of these people.
OORIALSoorials n. Plural of oorial.
OORIAL n. (Punjabi) a kind of Himalayan sheep, also URIAL.
ORARIONorarion n. A deacon’s stole in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
ORARION n. in the Orthodox Church, a deacon's stole, also ORARIUM.
ORATIONoration n. A formal, often ceremonial speech.
oration n. (Humorous) A lengthy speech or argument in a private setting.
oration n. (Catholicism) A specific form of short, solemn prayer said by the president of the liturgical celebration…
PARODOIparodoi n. Plural of parodos.
PARODOS n. (Greek) an ode sung in ancient Greek drama.
PRONAOIpronaoi n. Plural of pronaos.
PRONAOS n. (Greek) a vestibule in front of a temple.
ROOIKATrooikat n. (South Africa) caracal.
ROOIKAT n. (South African) a South African lynx.
WOORALIwoorali n. (Dated) curare.
WOORALI n. (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURALI, OURARI, URALI, URARI, WOORARA, WOORARI, WOURALI.
WOORARIwoorari n. Alternative form of curare.
WOORARI n. (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURALI, OURARI, URALI, URARI, WOORALI, WOORARA, WOURALI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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