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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, I and 3N

BANNINGbanning v. Present participle of ban.
banning n. The act by which something is banned; a prohibition.
Banning prop.n. A surname.
CANNINGcanning v. (Obsolete) present participle of can (“to be able to”).
canning v. Present participle of can (“to seal in a can”).
canning n. The process of preserving food by heat processing in a sealed vessel (a jar or can).
FANNINGfanning v. Present participle of fan.
fanning n. The act by which something is fanned.
fanning n. A very small fragment of tea leaf.
FINNANSfinnans n. Plural of finnan.
FINNAN n. (Scots) haddock cured in peat smoke, also FINDRAM.
GANNINGGAN v. (dialect) to go.
MANNINGmanning v. Present participle of man.
Manning prop.n. A surname from Irish.
Manning prop.n. A town in the County of Northern Lights, Alberta, Canada.
NANDINAnandina n. (Botany) Heavenly bamboo or sacred bamboo, an ornamental plant of species Nandina domestica), sole member…
Nandina prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Berberidaceae – the nandina.
NANDINA n. (Japanese) an evergreen Asiatic shrub of the barberry family, also NANDIN.
NANDINEnandine n. (Archaic) A small West African carnivore, Nandinia binotata, with spots on its sides.
NANDINE n. a West African civet.
NANDINSNANDIN n. (Japanese) an evergreen Asiatic shrub of the barberry family, also NANDINA.
NANKINSnankins n. Plural of nankin.
NANKIN n. (Chinese) a durable buff-coloured cotton, also NANKEEN.
NANNIEDnannied v. Simple past tense and past participle of nanny.
NANNY v. to look after someone else's children.
NANNIESnannies n. Plural of nanny.
NANNY v. to look after someone else's children.
PANNINGpanning n. The act of one who pans, as for gold.
panning n. Material that has been panned.
panning n. (Audio) The act by which a sound is panned.
TANNINGtanning v. Present participle of tan.
tanning n. The process of making leather, which does not easily decompose, from the skins of animals, which do.
tanning n. The acquisition of a tan, either by exposure to the sun, or artificially.
TANNINStannins n. Plural of tannin.
TANNIN n. any of a group of yellowish or brownish acidic astringent compounds related to gallic acid.
VANNINGvanning v. Present participle of van.
vanning n. (Mining) A process by which ores are washed on a shovel, or in a vanner.
VANNING n. a process by which ores are washed on a shovel, or in a vanner.
WANNINGWAN v. to make or become wan.
WANNIONWANNION n. (Shakespeare) a word of uncertain signification, used only in the phrase with a wanion, apparently equivalent to with a vengeance, with a plague, or with misfortune, also WANION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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