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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, I, M and 2T

AMBITTYambitty adj. (Glassmaking) Of glass: covered with stony speckles, symptoms of incipient devitrification.
AMBITTY adj. denoting glass which has become devitrified and brittle.
ATOMISTatomist n. An adherent of atomism; one who believes matter is composed of elementary indivisible particles.
atomist n. An adherent of the atomic theory.
ATOMIST n. an adherent of atomism, the belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles.
CATMINTcatmint n. Synonym of catnip (the plant Nepeta cataria, or other members of the genus).
CATMINT n. an aromatic herb, also CATNIP.
ETATISMetatism n. Synonym of statism, sometimes (derogatory) with specific distinctions derived from Mises’s political theories.
ETATISM n. extreme state control over the individual, also ETATISME.
FATTISMfattism n. Discrimination on the grounds of fatness.
FATTISM n. discrimination against fat people.
IMITANTimitant n. An imitator.
imitant adj. Imitating.
IMITANT n. an imitation.
IMITATEimitate v. To follow as a model or a pattern; to make a copy, counterpart or semblance of.
IMITATE v. to behave in the same way as.
MATIESTmatiest adj. Superlative form of matey: most matey.
MATY adj. friendly.
MATTIESMATTIE n. (Scots) a young herring with undeveloped roe.
MATTIFYmattify v. (Of a cosmetic) to produce a matt effect or reduce the shiny appearance of the skin.
MATTIFY v. to use cosmetics to reduce the shine of skin.
MATTINGmatting n. Mats, a collection of ground coverings.
matting n. Coarse fabric, of the kind used to make mats.
matting n. (Art, photography) A dull surface, often used for surrounding pictures.
MATTINSmattins n. Obsolete form of matins.
MATTIN n. (French) a morning prayer service, also MATIN.
MATTOIDmattoid adj. Displaying erratic behaviour.
mattoid n. A person who displays such behaviour; a person of congenitally abnormal mind bordering on insanity or degeneracy.
MATTOID n. a person on the borderline between sanity and insanity.
STATISMstatism n. (Often derogatory) The belief that most or all political power should be centralized in national governments.
statism n. (Often derogatory, uncommon) The belief that most or nearly all political power should be decentralized…
statism n. (Rare, obsolete) Synonym of statecraft or statesmanship.
TACTISMTACTISM n. the movement of a whole organism.
TATAMIStatamis n. Plural of tatami.
TATAMI n. (Japanese) straw matting used as a floor covering.
TEATIMEteatime n. (Chiefly Britain) The traditional time, in the late afternoon, for serving tea (the meal).
tea-time n. Alternative form of teatime.
TEATIME n. the usual time for tea.
TRIMTABtrimtab n. Alternative form of trim tab.
trim␣tab n. (Aviation, nautical) A control surface set within or attached to a larger control surface that provides…
TRIMTAB n. a tab on an aircraft or boat.
TRITOMAtritoma n. A flowering plant of the genus Kniphofia.
Tritoma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Erotylidae – certain pleasing fungus beetles.
TRITOMA n. a flowering African plant, aka kniphofia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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