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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, I, M, S and V

AMUSIVEamusive adj. (Obsolete) Illusive, deceitful.
amusive adj. (Now rare) Giving entertainment or interest; recreative, diverting, engaging.
amusive adj. (Now rare) Amusing, humorous.
ATAVISMatavism n. The reappearance of an ancestral characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence; a throwback.
atavism n. The recurrence or reversion to a past behaviour, method, characteristic or style after a long period of absence.
atavism n. (Sociology) Reversion to past primitive behavior, especially violence.
FAUVISMfauvism n. An artistic movement of the last part of the 19th century which emphasized spontaneity and the use of…
FAUVISM n. (French) a school of art noted for bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors.
FAVISMSFAVISM n. an acute type of anaemia in which haemolysis is precipitated by contact with broad beans.
IMPAVESimpaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impave.
IMPAVE v. to set in a pavement.
MASSIVEmassive adj. Very large in size or extent.
massive adj. Very large or bulky and heavy and solid.
massive adj. (Informal) To a very great extent; total, utter.
MAULVISmaulvis n. Plural of maulvi.
MAULVI n. (Urdu) a teacher of Islamic law, also MOOLVI, MOOLVIE.
MAUVAISMAUVAIS adj. (French) bad, wicked, also MAUVAISE.
MAVISESmavises n. Plural of mavis.
MAVIS n. the European throstle or song thrush, also MAVIE.
MAYVINSmayvins n. Plural of mayvin.
MAYVIN n. (US slang) an expert, a pundit, also MAVEN, MAVIN.
MIKVAHSmikvahs n. Plural of mikvah.
MIKVAH n. (Hebrew) a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews, also MIKVA, MIKVEH.
MISAVERMISAVER v. to speak erroneously.
MISGAVEmisgave v. Simple past tense of misgive.
MISGIVE v. to make doubtful or fearful.
MITSVAHmitsvah n. Alternative form of mitzvah.
MITSVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITZVAH.
VALIUMSValiums n. Plural of Valium.
VALIUM n. as in valium picnic, a day on the New York Stock Exchange when business is slow.
VAMPISHvampish adj. Like a vamp (flirtatious woman).
VAMPISH adj. like a vamp, sultry, seductive, also VAMPY.
VIDAMESvidames n. Plural of vidame.
VIDAME n. in French feudal jurisprudence, the deputy of a bishop in temporal affairs; a minor noble.
VIMANASvimanas n. Plural of vimana.
VIMANA n. (Sanskrit) in the Indian subcontinent, the central tower enclosing the shrine in a temple.
VOMICASvomicas n. Plural of vomica.
VOMICA n. (Latin) a cavity in the body containing pus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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