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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, I, 2L and V

ALLUVIAalluvia n. Plural of alluvium.
ALLUVIUM n. (Latin) land gained from the sea by the washing up of sand and earth, also ALLUVION.
ALVEOLIalveoli n. Plural of alveolus.
ALVEOLUS n. (Latin) a small body cavity, also ALVEOLE.
ELUVIALeluvial adj. Of or pertaining to eluvium.
eluvial n. A rock composed of eluvium.
ELUVIAL adj. relating to an eluvium, an accumulation of rock debris.
FLUVIALfluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream.
FLUVIAL adj. of or relating to a river or stream.
ILLUVIAilluvia n. Plural of illuvium.
ILLUVIUM n. material removed from the soil layer by rainwater and deposited in a lower layer.
LIVABLElivable adj. Endurable, survivable, suitable for living in, inhabitable.
LIVABLE adj. suitable for living in, also LIVEABLE.
PLUVIALpluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by rain.
pluvial adj. (Geology) occurring through the action of rain.
pluvial n. (Geology) a rainy period.
SALIVALsalival adj. Relating to the saliva; salivary.
SALIVAL adj. relating to saliva, also SALIVARY.
VALIDLYvalidly adv. In a valid manner.
VALID adv. sound, legally adequate.
VANILLAvanilla n. (Countable) Any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla (especially Vanilla planifolia), bearing…
vanilla n. (Countable) The fruit or bean of the vanilla plant.
vanilla n. (Uncountable) The extract of the fruit of the vanilla plant.
VEXILLAvexilla n. Plural of vexillum.
VEXILLUM n. (Latin) the web or vane of a feather, also VEXIL.
VIALFULvialful n. Enough to fill a vial.
VIALFUL n. as much as a vial can hold.
VIALLEDvialled v. Simple past tense and past participle of vial.
VIAL v. to put in a small container for liquids.
VILLAGEvillage n. A rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town.
village n. (Britain) A rural habitation that has a church, but no market.
village n. (Australia) A planned community such as a retirement community or shopping district.
VILLAINvillain n. A vile, wicked person.
villain n. (Archaic, derogatory) A low-born, abject person.
villain n. In fiction, a character who has the role of being bad, especially antagonizing the hero.
VILLANSvillans n. Plural of villan.
Villans n. Plural of Villan.
Villans prop.n. (Soccer) Aston Villa Football Club.
VILLANYvillany n. Misspelling of villainy.
Villány prop.n. A town in Hungary.
VILLANY n. conduct characteristic of a villain, also VILLAINY.
VIRALLYvirally adv. In a viral fashion; often specifically in the context of viral marketing.
virally adv. (Medicine) Due to, or by means of, a virus or viruses.
VIRAL adv. relating to or caused by a virus.
VITALLYvitally adv. In a manner that imparts vitality.
vitally adv. To an extent that is vital; indispensably.
VITAL adv. necessary to life.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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