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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, 2I, O and S

ABIOSISabiosis n. (Uncountable) The absence of life.
abiosis n. The temporary cessation of biological processes.
abiosis n. Necrosis, especially that which occurs at the single cell level.
AIKIDOSaikidos n. Plural of aikido.
AIKIDO n. (Japanese) a type of martial art.
ASINICOASINICO n. (Shakespeare) a stupid fellow.
DAIMIOSdaimios n. Plural of daimio.
DAIMIO n. (Japanese) a former Japanese nobleman, also DAIMYO.
ISODICAISODICON n. (Greek) in the Greek Church, a short anthem sung while the gospel is being carried through the church.
LIAISONliaison n. Communication between two parties or groups.
liaison n. Co-operation, working together.
liaison n. A relayer of information between two forces in an army or during war.
LOIASISloiasis n. (Pathology) An infection caused by the nematode Loa loa, normally transmitted by various flies.
LOIASIS n. a tropical African disease.
MAFIOSImafiosi n. Plural of mafioso.
Mafiosi n. Plural of Mafioso.
MAFIOSO n. (Italian) a member of the mafia.
SIALOIDSIALOID adj. like saliva.
SICARIOsicario n. Hitman, hired killer (especially when referring to Latin American drug cartels).
SICARIO n. (Spanish) a hired gunman or assassin esp. in Latin America.
SINOPIAsinopia n. A reddish-brown ochre-like pigment, derived from sinople, used in traditional oil painting and as the…
sinopia n. (Art) The rough sketch (executed in sinopia) which underlies a fresco.
SINOPIA n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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