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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, 2I and 2M

ANIMISManimism n. A belief that spirits inhabit some or all classes of natural objects or phenomena.
animism n. A belief that an immaterial force animates the universe.
animism n. (Dated) A doctrine that animal life is produced by an immaterial spirit.
IMAGISMimagism n. (Poetry) A form of poetry utilising precise imagery and clear language.
imagism n. (Philosophy) The theory that thinking is based on the formation of images in the mind.
Imagism n. Alternative form of imagism.
MAIDISMmaidism n. (Archaic) A disease of guinea pigs caused by eating deteriorated maize.
MAIDISM n. a chronic disease due to a vitamin deficiency.
MAIMINGmaiming v. Present participle of maim.
maiming n. The act by which somebody is maimed.
MAIMING n. the act of disabling.
MAXIMINmaximin n. In decision theory and game theory etc, a rule to identify the worst outcome of each possible option…
maximin v. To employ a maximin algorithm.
MAXIMIN n. the highest value in a set of minimum values.
MIASMICmiasmic adj. Filled with miasma; containing noxious vapors.
miasmic adj. Composed of or resembling vapors.
MIASMIC adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMATIC, MIASMOUS.
MIMICALmimical adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a mime, or jester.
mimical adj. (Now rare) Imitative; that mimics something else.
mimical adj. (Obsolete) Imitation; mock.
MINICAMminicam n. A small movie camera.
MINICAM n. a portable TV camera.
MINIMALminimal adj. The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree.
minimal adj. (Art) Characterised by the use of simple form or structures.
minimal adj. (Music) Characterised by the repetition and gradual alteration of short phrases.
MINIMAXminimax n. In decision theory, game theory, etc. a decision rule used for minimizing the maximum possible loss…
minimax v. To find the optimum play, or decision, to achieve minimizing the maximum loss.
MINIMAX v. to minimize the maximum possible extent of one's loss.
MISAIMSmisaims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misaim.
MISAIM v. to aim badly.
SKIMMIAskimmia n. Any of the genus Skimmia of evergreen shrubs and trees.
Skimmia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rutaceae – certain evergreen shrubs and small trees.
SKIMMIA n. (Japanese) an Asiatic shrub with holly-like leaves and fragrant panicles of flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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