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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, H, O and 2R

CARROCHCARROCH n. a stately carriage, also CAROCHE, CAROACH, CAROCH.
CHARROScharros n. Plural of charro.
CHARRO n. (Spanish) a Mexican cowboy, esp. one elaborately dressed.
DHOURRAdhourra n. Alternative form of durra.
HARBORSharbors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of harbor.
Harbors prop.n. Plural of Harbor.
HARBOR v. to shelter, also HARBOUR.
HARBOURharbour n. Commonwealth standard spelling of harbor.
harbour v. Commonwealth standard spelling of harbor.
Harbour prop.n. A surname.
HARROWSharrows n. Plural of harrow.
harrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of harrow.
HARROW v. to break up and level soil.
HOARDERhoarder n. One who hoards; one who accumulates, collects, and stores, especially one who does so to excess.
HOARDER n. one that hoards.
HOARIERhoarier adj. Comparative form of hoary: more hoary.
HOARY adj. white with age.
HOARSERhoarser adj. Comparative form of hoarse: more hoarse.
HOARSE adj. rough and husky in sound.
MARKHORmarkhor n. A large wild goat, Capra falconeri, especially Capra falconeri megaceros, syn. Capra megaceros, having…
MARKHOR n. (Persian) a wild goat of the mountains of Asia, also MARKHOOR.
MORRHUAMORRHUA n. an old name for the cod.
ORCHARDorchard n. A garden or an area of land for the cultivation of fruit or nut trees.
orchard n. The trees themselves cultivated in such an area.
Orchard prop.n. A topographic surname.
RHODORArhodora n. Rhododendron canadense, a deciduous flowering shrub native to northeastern North America.
RHODORA n. a North American azalea, bearing rose-purple flowers before the leaves.
TROCHARtrochar n. (Surgery) Alternative form of trocar.
TROCHAR n. a surgical instrument, a kind of stylet, also TROCAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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