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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, H, 2N and S

CHANSONchanson n. Any song with French words, but more specifically a classic, lyric-driven French song.
chanson n. (Obsolete) A religious song.
CHANSON n. (French) a song.
HOSANNAhosanna interj. A cry of praise or adoration to God in liturgical use among the Jews, and said to have been shouted…
hosanna n. A cry of ‘hosanna’.
hosanna v. (Intransitive) To give a cry of ‘hosanna’.
HUNGANSHUNGAN n. a voodoo priest, also HOUNGAN.
MANNISHmannish adj. (Of a woman) Resembling or characteristic of a man, masculine.
mannish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a grown man (as opposed to a boy); mature, adult.
mannish adj. (Caribbean, Guyana) Impertinent; assertive.
NHANDUSNHANDU n. (Tupi) the rhea, a South American ostrich, also NANDU, NANDOO.
NONCASHnoncash adj. (Finance) In a form other than cash; thus often in kind.
NONCASH adj. other than cash.
NUMNAHSnumnahs n. Plural of numnah.
NUMNAH n. (Urdu) a pad under the saddle to prevent chafing.
SUNNAHSsunnahs n. Plural of sunnah.
SUNNAH n. (Arabic) a collection of traditions received by orthodox Muslims as of equal authority with the Koran, also SUNNA.
TANNAHStannahs n. Plural of tannah.
TANNAH n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNA, THANA, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
TANNISHtannish adj. Somewhat tan in colour.
TANNISH adj. somewhat tan.
THANNASthannas n. Plural of thanna.
THANNA n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNA, TANNAH, THANA, THANAH, THANNAH.
UNHANDSunhands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhand.
UNHAND v. to remove the hand from.
UNHANGSunhangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhang.
UNHANG v. to detach from a hanging support.
WANNISHwannish adj. (Obsolete) Quite wan or pale.
WANNISH adj. somewhat wan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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