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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, H, L, P and R

ALPHORNalphorn n. (Music) A long, curved, wooden horn used by mountain-dwelling herders in the Alps, originally to call…
ALPHORN n. (German) a long powerful horn made of wood, used by Alpine cowherds, also ALPENHORN.
EPHORALephoral adj. Pertaining to an ephor.
EPHORAL adj. pertaining to an ephor, one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta.
HARELIPharelip n. (Teratology) A congenital malformation of the upper lip, reminiscent of the mouth of a hare.
harelip v. (Transitive) To curse (as if by causing a harelip)…
hare␣lip n. Alternative form of harelip.
HYPURALhypural adj. Under the tail; applied to the bones that support the caudal fin rays in most fishes.
hypural n. Such a bone.
HYPURAL adj. situated beneath the tail.
PHILTRAphiltra n. Plural of philtrum.
PHILTRUM n. (Greek) the indentation between the upper lip and the nose.
PHRASALphrasal adj. Referring to, or used in the manner of, a phrase.
phrasal adj. (Grammar) Consisting of multiple words, but behaving as a single part of speech.
PHRASAL adj. pertaining to a group of two or more associated words.
PLASHERplasher n. Synonym of plash (“bent branch”).
PLASHER n. one who plashes.
RALPHEDralphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ralph.
RALPH v. (US slang) to vomit.
RAPLOCHraploch n. (Scotland) coarse undyed woollen cloth.
RAPLOCH n. (Scots) a homespun material.
SHARPLYsharply adv. In a sharp manner.
sharply adv. (To describe breathing) Suddenly and intensely like a gasp, but typically as the result of an emotional reaction.
sharply adv. In an intellectually alert and penetrating manner.
SPHERALspheral adj. Spherical.
spheral adj. Spherically symmetric.
SPHERAL adj. having the form of a sphere, also SPHERIC, SPHERICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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