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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, H, K, O and S

CHOKRASchokras n. Plural of chokra.
CHOKRA n. (Hindi) a boy; a household or regimental servant.
DHOLAKSdholaks n. Plural of dholak.
DHOLAK n. (Hindi) a two-headed drum.
GOSHAWKgoshawk n. Any of several birds of prey, principally in the genus Accipiter.
GOSHAWK n. a large hawk.
HASSOCKhassock n. A dense clump of grass or vegetation; a tussock.
hassock n. A cushion used primarily in churches for kneeling on while praying. Synonym: kneeler.
hassock n. A thick cushion used as a seat; an ottoman or pouffe.
HOOKAHShookahs n. Plural of hookah.
HOOKAH n. (Urdu) a pipe with a long, flexible stem, so arranged that the smoke is cooled by being made to pass through water, also HOOKA.
HOPSACKhopsack n. (Countable) A hemp sack used for holding hops.
hopsack n. (Uncountable) A coarse, loosely-woven clothing fabric.
HOPSACK n. a rough-surfaced loose fabric, also HOPSACKING.
KAROSHIkaroshi n. Death, such as from heart attack or stroke, brought on by overwork or job-related stress.
KAROSHI n. (Japanese) death caused by overwork.
KHODJASKhodjas n. Plural of Khodja.
KHODJA n. (Turkish) an Eastern term of respect, a Muslim teacher or professor, also HODJA, KHOJA.
KOCHIASKOCHIA n. any of several plants whose foliage turns dark red in summer.
KOOLAHSKOOLAH n. (Native Australian) a small furry Australian marsupial, also KOALA, COALA.
KOWHAISkowhais n. Plural of kowhai.
KOWHAI n. (Maori) a New Zealand tree with golden flowers.
MOHAWKSmohawks n. Plural of mohawk.
Mohawks n. Plural of Mohawk.
MOHAWK n. (Native American) a skating movement.
MOKSHASMokshas n. Plural of Moksha.
MOKSHA n. (Hindu) freedom from the endless cycle of transmigration.
SHACKOSshackos n. Plural of shacko.
SHACKO n. (Hungarian) the hat usually worn by members of a marching band, also CHACO, SHAKO.
SHAKOESshakoes n. Plural of shako.
SHAKO n. (Hungarian) the hat usually worn by members of a marching band, also CHACO, SHACKO.
SHAKUDOshakudo n. A billon of gold and copper that can be treated to form a dark indigo patina resembling lacquer.
SHAKUDO n. (Japanese) an alloy of copper and a small percentage of gold, used in Japanese decorative art, esp. in sword fittings.
WHACKOSwhackos n. Plural of whacko.
WHACKO n. an eccentric person, also WACK, WACKO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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