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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, H, I, S and V

ASHIVERashiver adj. Shivering.
ASHIVER adj. (archaic) shivering.
CHAVISHchavish adj. (Derogatory, UK, slang) in the manner of or typical of a chav.
CHAVISH adj. like a chav.
EVANISHevanish v. (Archaic, intransitive) To vanish.
EVANISH v. to vanish.
HAVINGShavings n. Plural of having.
HAVING n. possession.
HAVIORSHAVIOR n. (obsolete) behavior, demeanor, also HAVEOUR, HAVIOUR.
HEAVIESheavies n. Plural of heavy.
heavies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heavy.
HEAVY n. a large strong person.
KNAVISHknavish adj. Having the characteristics of a knave; mischievous, roguish, waggish, rascally or impertinent.
KNAVISH adj. like a knave.
MIKVAHSmikvahs n. Plural of mikvah.
MIKVAH n. (Hebrew) a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews, also MIKVA, MIKVEH.
MITSVAHmitsvah n. Alternative form of mitzvah.
MITSVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITZVAH.
SHAVIESSHAVIE n. (Scots) a trick.
SHAVINGshaving n. (Countable) A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material.
shaving n. (Uncountable) The action of having a shave.
shaving v. Present participle of shave.
SHIVAHSshivahs n. Plural of shivah.
SHIVAH n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a period of seven days' mourning observed after a family member's funeral, also SHIBAH, SHIVA.
SLAVISHslavish adj. In the manner of a slave; abject.
slavish adj. Utterly faithful; totally lacking originality, creativity, or reflection.
SLAVISH adj. pertaining to a slave.
VAGUISHvaguish adj. Somewhat vague.
VAGUISH adj. somewhat vague.
VAHINESvahines n. Plural of vahine.
VAHINE n. (Tahitian) a woman.
VAMPISHvampish adj. Like a vamp (flirtatious woman).
VAMPISH adj. like a vamp, sultry, seductive, also VAMPY.
VARNISHvarnish n. A type of paint with a solvent that evaporates to leave a hard, transparent, glossy film.
varnish n. Anything resembling such a paint; glossy appearance.
varnish n. (By extension) A deceptively showy appearance.
VIHARASviharas n. Plural of vihara.
VIHARA n. (Sanskrit) a Buddhist or Jain temple or precinct.
YESHIVAyeshiva n. (Judaism) An academy for the advanced study of Jewish texts.
Yeshiva n. Alternative letter-case form of yeshiva.
YESHIVA n. (Hebrew) a school for the study of the Jewish scripture, the Talmud, also YESHIVAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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