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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, H, I and 2N

ANHINGAanhinga n. (Zoology) Synonym of darter: any bird of the genus Anhinga.
anhinga n. (Zoology) A fish-eating bird (Anhinga anhinga) of North America with a thin, pointed bill and a long, thin neck.
Anhinga prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Anhingidae – the snakebirds or darters.
ENCHAINenchain v. (Transitive) To restrain with, or as if with, chains.
enchain v. (Transitive) To link together.
ENCHAIN v. to bind with chains.
HAININGhaining v. Present participle of hain.
haining n. (Obsolete or dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) A hain or enclosure.
HAINING n. an enclosure.
HANDINGhanding v. Present participle of hand.
handing n. The act by which something is handed to somebody.
HAND v. to present with the extremity of the arm below the wrist.
HANGINGhanging v. Present participle of hang.
hanging adj. Suspended.
hanging adj. (Chess, of a piece) Unprotected and exposed to capture.
HANKINGhanking v. Present participle of hank.
HANK v. to catch, as on a loop.
HANTINGHANT v. to haunt.
INHUMANinhuman adj. Of or pertaining to inhumanity and the indifferently cruel, sadistic or barbaric behavior it brings.
inhuman adj. Transcending or different than what is human.
INHUMAN adj. lacking desirable human qualities.
MANNISHmannish adj. (Of a woman) Resembling or characteristic of a man, masculine.
mannish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a grown man (as opposed to a boy); mature, adult.
mannish adj. (Caribbean, Guyana) Impertinent; assertive.
NIHONGAnihonga n. Paintings made in a traditional Japanese style, typically executed with brushes on washi paper or silk.
NIHONGA n. (Japanese) a Japanese style of painting, using bright colours and traditional images.
TANGHINtanghin n. A poison obtained from the kernels of the plant Cerbera manghas (syn. Tanghinia venenifera) from Madagascar.
TANGHIN n. (Malagasy) a Madagascan poison formerly used to test the guilt of someone suspected of a crime.
TANNISHtannish adj. Somewhat tan in colour.
TANNISH adj. somewhat tan.
UNCHAINunchain v. To remove chains from; to free; to liberate.
UNCHAIN v. to free from a chain.
WANNISHwannish adj. (Obsolete) Quite wan or pale.
WANNISH adj. somewhat wan.
XANTHINxanthin n. Alternative spelling of xanthine.
XANTHIN n. a white substance, structurally related to uric acid, found in muscle tissue, the liver and other organs, also XANTHINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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