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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, H, I, L and P

APHELIAaphelia n. (Astronomy) plural of aphelion.
APHELION n. (Greek) the farthest point of a planet's orbit from the sun.
APISHLYapishly adv. In an apish manner; in the manner of an ape.
APISH adv. like an ape.
CALIPHScaliphs n. Plural of caliph.
Caliphs n. Plural of Caliph.
CALIPH n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIF, KALIF, KALIPH, KHALIF.
HAPLITEHAPLITE n. a fine-grained, light-coloured igneous rock, also APLITE.
HAPLOIDhaploid adj. (Genetics) Having a single set of unpaired chromosomes.
haploid n. A cell which is haploid.
haploid n. An organism, such as a fungus, with haploid cells.
HAPPILYhappily adv. In a happy or cheerful manner; with happiness.
happily adv. By good chance; fortunately, successfully.
happily adv. With good will; in all happiness; willingly.
HARELIPharelip n. (Teratology) A congenital malformation of the upper lip, reminiscent of the mouth of a hare.
harelip v. (Transitive) To curse (as if by causing a harelip)…
hare␣lip n. Alternative form of harelip.
HELIPADhelipad n. (Aviation) A small landing place for helicopters, denoted by a large "H".
HELIPAD n. a landing pad for helicopters.
KALIPHSkaliphs n. Plural of kaliph.
KALIPH n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIF, CALIPH, KALIF, KHALIF.
OMPHALIomphali n. Plural of omphalus.
OMPHALOS n. (Greek) a central point, a navel.
PAHLAVIpahlavi n. (Historical) The principal gold coin of the Pahlavi dynasty (1925-1979).
Pahlavi prop.n. The Pahlavi script, a writing system derived from the Aramaic script and used to write several Iranian…
Pahlavi prop.n. The Middle Persian language rendered in Book Pahlavi.
PALSHIPpalship n. Friendship.
PALSHIP n. the relationship existing between close friends.
PHALLICphallic adj. Relating to, or characteristic of the penis.
phallic adj. Shaped like an erect human penis.
PHALLIC adj. pertaining to the phallus, the penis, a symbol of generation in primitive religions.
PHALLINphallin n. (Organic chemistry, mycology) Any of several haemolytic cyclic oligopeptides present in the death cap…
PHALLIN n. a type of fungal poison.
PHILTRAphiltra n. Plural of philtrum.
PHILTRUM n. (Greek) the indentation between the upper lip and the nose.
PLANISHplanish v. (Transitive) To repeatedly hammer (a sheet of metal) so as to shape and smooth it or create a decorative…
PLANISH v. to toughen and smooth by hammering lightly.
SHIPLAPshiplap n. A type of wooden board that has rabbets to allow them to be overlapped.
shiplap v. To overlap boards by this means.
SHIPLAP n. an arrangement of overlapping planks on a ship.
SILPHIAsilphia n. Plural of silphium.
SILPHIUM n. (Latin) a plant imported by the Greeks from Cyrenaica and used as a foodstuff and in medicine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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