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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, G, N, R and Z

BRAZINGbrazing v. Present participle of braze.
brazing n. A method of joining metals by using heat and a filler.
BRAZE v. to solder with an alloy of copper and zinc.
CRAZINGcrazing v. Present participle of craze.
crazing n. A covering of fine cracks on a hard smooth surface such as a glazed object or car exterior.
CRAZING n. a pattern of fine cracks.
GRAZINGgrazing v. Present participle of graze.
grazing n. Grazeland.
grazing n. (Countable, uncountable) The action of animals eating, mainly of grass in a field or on other grassland.
ORGANZAorganza n. A thin, stiff, sheer fabric that is made from silk or a synthetic yarn, which resembles organdy, and…
ORGANZA n. a transparent thin silk or nylon.
RAZZINGrazzing v. Present participle of razz.
RAZZING n. the act of blowing a raspberry.
ZINGARAzingara n. A female zingaro.
ZINGARA n. (Italian) a (female) gypsy.
ZINGAREzingare n. Plural of zingara.
ZINGARA n. (Italian) a (female) gypsy.
ZINGARIzingari n. Plural of zingaro.
ZINGARO n. (Italian) an Italian gypsy, also ZINGANO.
ZINGAROzingaro n. (Archaic) A Gypsy.
ZINGARO n. (Italian) an Italian gypsy, also ZINGANO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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