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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, G, 2N and U

ANGUINEanguine adj. Pertaining to snakes or serpents.
anguine adj. Snakelike.
ANGUINE adj. like a snake.
ANKLUNGanklung n. Alternative form of angklung.
ANKLUNG n. (Javanese) a musical instrument of South Asia, composed of bamboo tubes, also ANGKLUNG, ANKLONG.
ANTIGUNantigun adj. Opposed to guns, especially widespread individual use of guns.
antigun adj. (Politics) Supportive of greater gun control, often including opposition to the idea of gun rights.
anti-gun adj. Alternative form of antigun.
DUNNAGEdunnage n. (Chiefly transport) Scrap material, often wood, used to fill spaces to prevent the shifting of more…
dunnage n. Personal effects; baggage.
DUNNAGE n. wood laid in a ship's hold to keep cargo dry and safe, aka fardage.
GUANINEguanine n. (Chemistry) A substance first obtained from guano; it is a nucleic base and pairs with cytosine in DNA…
GUANINE n. a yellowish-white, amorphous substance, forming a constituent of nucleic acids, also GUANIN.
GUANINSguanins n. Plural of guanin.
GUANIN n. a yellowish-white, amorphous substance, forming a constituent of nucleic acids, also GUANINE.
GUNNAGEgunnage n. The number of guns carried by a ship of war.
GUNNAGE n. the total number of guns carried on a warship.
GUNNERAgunnera n. Any of several plants, of the genus Gunnera, that have very large leaves and small, reddish drupes.
GUNNERA n. a large-leaved ornamental herb of the mare's-tail family.
HANDGUNhandgun n. A small gun with a relatively short barrel, designed to be held and operated with a single hand.
HANDGUN n. a gun that can be held and fired in one hand.
HOUNGANhoungan n. A (male) voodoo priest.
HOUNGAN n. a voodoo priest, also HUNGAN.
HUNGANSHUNGAN n. a voodoo priest, also HOUNGAN.
LUNGANSlungans n. Plural of lungan.
LUNGAN n. (Chinese) a pulpy fruit related to the litchi, and produced by an evergreen East Indian tree, also LONGAN.
RUNANGArunanga n. (New Zealand) A traditional Māori assembly or tribal gathering.
RUNANGA n. (Maori) an assembly or council.
TANGUNStanguns n. Plural of tangun.
TANGUN n. (Hindi) a piebald variety of the horse, native of Tibet.
TUNNAGEtunnage n. Alternative form of tonnage.
TUNNAGE n. a tax of so much a tun on imported wines.
UNAGINGunaging adj. That does not age; timeless, immortal.
UNAGING adj. not aging, also UNAGEING.
UNAKINGUNAKING adj. (Shakespeare) unaching.
UNHANGSunhangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhang.
UNHANG v. to detach from a hanging support.
UNSNAGSunsnags v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unsnag.
UNSNAG v. to free of snags.
WANGUNSwanguns n. Plural of wangun.
WANGUN n. (Native American) in a lumber camp, a chest for supplies, or the pay office, also WANGAN, WANIGAN, WANNIGAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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