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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, G, M, N and U

AGENDUMagendum n. (Obsolete) A task which ought to be done.
agendum n. (Theology) Something to be done; a practical duty, rather than an article of faith.
AGENDUM n. (Latin) an item on an agenda.
AMUSINGamusing v. Present participle of amuse.
amusing adj. Entertaining.
amusing adj. Funny, hilarious.
AUGMENTaugment v. (Transitive) To increase; to make larger or supplement.
augment v. (Intransitive, reflexive) To grow; to increase; to become greater.
augment v. (Music) To slow the tempo or meter, e.g. for a dramatic or stately passage.
CAUMINGCAUM v. (Scots) to whiten with camstone, also CAM.
GAUMINGgauming v. Present participle of gaum.
GAUM v. (Old Norse) to smear, daub.
GRANUMSgranums n. Plural of granum.
GRANUM n. (Latin) a part of a plant chloroplast.
GUDEMANgudeman n. (Scotland) Alternative form of goodman.
GUDEMAN n. (Scots) the master of a household, also GOODMAN.
LUMBANGlumbang n. The kukui tree.
LUMBANG n. (Tagalog) the candlenut tree.
MAGNUMSmagnums n. Plural of magnum.
Magnums n. Plural of Magnum.
MAGNUM n. (Latin) a bottle for wine, spirits etc., twice the standard size, now usually containing one and a half litres.
MAHUANGmahuang n. Ephedra, when used in traditional Chinese medicine.
ma␣huang n. Any of various plants of the Ephedra genus, especially Ephedra sinica, used in traditional Chinese medicine.
MAHUANG n. (Chinese) an Asian plant of the Ephedra genus.
MAULINGmauling n. An instance of something being mauled.
mauling v. Present participle of maul.
MAULING n. the act of handling roughly.
MUSANGSmusangs n. Plural of musang.
MUSANG n. (Malay) a civetlike animal of South Asia, aka paradoxure.
MUSTANGmustang n. A small, hardy, naturalized (feral) horse of the North American west.
mustang n. (US, military slang) A merchant marine who joined the U.S. Navy as a commissioned officer during the…
mustang n. (US, military slang, generalized) A commissioned officer who started military service as an enlisted person.
MUTAGENmutagen n. Any agent or substance that can cause genetic mutation.
MUTAGEN n. a substance that causes biological mutation.
ORGANUMorganum n. (Music) A type of medieval polyphony which builds upon an existing plainsong.
organum n. (Archaic) A method by which philosophical or scientific investigation may be conducted.
ORGANUM n. (Latin) a method of philosophical or scientific investigation, also ORGANON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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