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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, G, L, R and T

ALRIGHTalright adj. (Often proscribed) Alternative form of all right; satisfactory; okay; in acceptable order.
alright adv. (Often proscribed) Alternative form of all right.
alright interj. (Informal) Used to indicate acknowledgement or acceptance; OK.
BATGIRLbatgirl n. The female equivalent of a batboy.
BATGIRL n. a girl who minds baseball equipment.
GASTRALgastral adj. Synonym of gastric (relating to the stomach).
GASTRAL adj. pertaining to the stomach.
GAULTERgaulter n. One who digs gault clay.
GAULTER n. a person who digs gault, a heavy clay used for bricks.
GLOATERgloater n. One who gloats.
GLOATER n. one who gloats.
GREATLYgreatly adv. To a great extent or degree.
greatly adv. (Archaic) Nobly; magnanimously.
GREAT adv. large, exalted.
LARGESTlargest adj. Superlative form of large: most large.
LARGE adj. great in size.
LEGATORlegator n. A donor.
LEGATOR n. a testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
RAGBOLTragbolt n. An iron pin with barbed shank.
RAGBOLT n. a bolt with barbs to prevent withdrawal.
RAGTAILRAGTAIL adj. ragged, shabby.
RATLINGratling n. A small rat.
ratling n. A baby rat.
ratling n. (Nautical) Alternative form of ratline.
TANGLERtangler n. One who tangles.
tangler n. (Usually in the plural) A strip of onion fried in batter, like an onion ring, but with a twisty shape.
tangler n. (Ireland, historical) A paid middleman at a fair or market.
TEGULARtegular adj. Resembling or relating to a tile; arranged like tiles; consisting of tiles.
tegular adj. (Entomology) Relating to a tegula.
TEGULAR adj. Overlapping like tiles or slates.
TRAGULEtragule n. (Zoology, obsolete) A chevrotain (genus Tragulus).
TRAGULE n. (Greek) a small deerlike mammal, aka chevrotain.
TRANGLEtrangle n. (Heraldry) One of the diminutives of the fess.
TRANGLE n. in heraldry, a diminutive of the fesse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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