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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, G, K, L and N

ANKLINGankling v. Present participle of ankle.
ANKLE v. to walk.
ANKLONGanklong n. Alternative form of angklung.
ANKLONG n. (Javanese) a musical instrument of South Asia, composed of bamboo tubes, also ANGKLUNG, ANKLUNG.
ANKLUNGanklung n. Alternative form of angklung.
ANKLUNG n. (Javanese) a musical instrument of South Asia, composed of bamboo tubes, also ANGKLUNG, ANKLONG.
BALKINGbalking v. Present participle of balk.
balking n. A frustration or disappointment; a check.
BALKING n. the act of balking.
CALKINGcalking v. Present participle of calk.
calking n. Alternative form of caulking.
CALKING n. material used to calk.
FLAKINGflaking adj. Breaking or tending to break into flakes.
flaking v. Present participle of flake.
flaking n. A piece of flaked material.
KALONGSkalongs n. Plural of kalong.
KALONG n. (Malay) a fruit-eating bat.
LACKINGlacking v. Present participle of lack.
lacking n. The absence of something; a lack.
lacking adj. Missing or not having enough of (a good quality, etc).
LAIKINGlaiking v. Present participle of laik.
LAIK v. (Scots) to sport or play, also LAKE.
LAKINGSLAKING n. the reddening of blood plasma by the release of haemoglobin from the red blood corpuscles.
LANKINGlanking v. Present participle of lank.
LANK v. to become limp.
LARKINGlarking v. Present participle of lark.
larking n. A spirited or playful adventure.
LARK v. to behave playfully.
LEAKINGleaking v. Present participle of leak.
leaking n. The act by which something leaks.
leaking n. (In the plural) That which leaks out.
LINKAGElinkage n. A mechanical device that connects things.
linkage n. A connection or relation between things or ideas.
linkage n. (Software compilation) The act or result of linking: the combination of multiple object files into one…
OAKLINGoakling n. A small or young oak tree.
OAKLING n. a young oak.
SLAKINGslaking v. Present participle of slake.
SLAKE v. to quench.
TALKINGtalking n. The action of the verb talk.
talking v. Present participle of talk.
TALKING n. conversation.
WALKINGwalking v. Present participle of walk.
walking adj. Incarnate as a human; living.
walking adj. Able to walk in spite of injury or sickness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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