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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, G, I, T and U

AGOUTISagoutis n. Plural of agouti.
AGOUTI n. a burrowing rodent, also ACOUCHI, ACOUCHY, AGOUTY, AGUTI.
ANTIBUGantibug adj. Serving to kill or repel bugs (insects).
antibug adj. Serving to counteract bugs (surveillance devices).
ANTIBUG adj. effective against bugs.
ANTIGUNantigun adj. Opposed to guns, especially widespread individual use of guns.
antigun adj. (Politics) Supportive of greater gun control, often including opposition to the idea of gun rights.
anti-gun adj. Alternative form of antigun.
AUGITESaugites n. Plural of augite.
AUGITE n. one of the pyroxene group of minerals, very similar to hornblende.
AUGITICaugitic adj. Containing augite.
AUGITIC adj. pertaining to, or like, augite, one of the pyroxene group of minerals.
AUTOINGautoing v. Present participle of auto.
AUTO v. to ride in an automobile.
DAUTINGDAUT v. (Scots) to pet, also DAWT.
FATIGUEfatigue n. A weariness caused by exertion; exhaustion.
fatigue n. (Often in the plural) A menial task or tasks, especially in the military.
fatigue n. (Engineering) Weakening and eventual failure of material, typically by cracking leading to complete…
FAUTINGFAUT v. (Scots) to fault.
GLUTAEIglutaei n. Plural of glutaeus.
glutæi n. Plural of glutæus.
GLUTAEUS n. (Greek) any of the three large muscles of the buttock, also GLUTE.
GUITARSguitars n. Plural of guitar.
guitars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of guitar.
GUITAR n. a fretted musical instrument, usually six-stringed with a waisted body and a flat back.
OUTGAINoutgain v. (Transitive) To outperform on a quantitative measurement.
OUTGAIN v. to gain more than.
SAUTINGSAUT v. to put salt on.
TABUINGtabuing v. Present participle of tabu.
TABU v. (Tongan) to exclude or prohibit by social influence, also TABOO.
TAPUINGtapuing v. Present participle of tapu.
TAPU v. (Tongan) to forbid the use of, also TABOO, TABU.
TATUINGtatuing v. Present participle of tatu.
TATU v. to mark the skin in this way, also TATTOO, TATTOW.
TAUTINGtauting v. Present participle of taut.
TAUT v. (Scots) to mat, tangle, also TAWT.
UNITAGEunitage n. The determination of the amount of something to be regarded as a unit.
unitage n. The amount thus determined.
UNITAGE n. amount in units.
VAGITUSvagitus n. The crying of a newborn baby.
VAGITUS n. (Latin) a cry or wail.
VAUTINGvauting v. Present participle of vaut.
VAUTE v. (obsolete) to vault, also VAUT, VAWTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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