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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, G, I, P and T

AGITPOPagitpop n. (Music) Pop music of an agitational character.
AGITPOP n. pop music as political propaganda.
GALIPOTgalipot n. An unrefined turpentine obtained from some European pines.
GALIPOT n. (French) the turpentine that exudes from the cluster pine, also GALLIPOT.
GAPIESTGAPY adj. infested with gapeworms.
PANTINGpanting v. Present participle of pant.
panting n. The act of one who pants.
Panting prop.n. A surname.
PARTINGparting n. The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation.
parting n. A farewell, the act of departing politely.
parting n. (Britain) The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions; part (US).
PASTINGpasting n. The act of applying paste to something, or affixing something using paste.
pasting n. (Slang) Defeat, beating.
pasting v. Present participle of paste.
PATAGIApatagia n. Plural of patagium.
PATAGIUM n. (Latin) a wing membrane of a bat.
PATHINGpathing n. The allocation or planning of a path.
pathing v. Present participle of path.
PATH v. (Shakespeare) to go.
PATTINGpatting v. Present participle of pat.
patting n. The act by which something is patted.
PAT v. to stroke gently.
PIGBOATpigboat n. (Slang, archaic) submarine.
PIGBOAT n. a submarine.
PIGMEATpigmeat n. The meat or flesh of a pig, used especially for food; pork.
PIGMEAT n. the meat of the pig.
PIGTAILpigtail n. Tobacco twisted into a string or roll.
pigtail n. A braided plait of hair; now especially, either of two braids or "tails" on the side of the head.
pigtail n. (Informal) A person who wears a pigtail or queue.
PLATINGplating v. Present participle of plate.
plating n. (Philately) An act of determining where a postage stamp is positioned on a sheet.
plating n. A thin coating of metal laid upon another metal.
PRATINGprating v. Present participle of prate.
prating n. Foolish chatter.
PRATING n. foolish talk.
TAMPINGtamping adj. (Wales) Very angry; fuming.
tamping v. Present participle of tamp.
tamping n. The act of one who tamps; specifically, the act of filling up a hole in a rock, or the branch of a mine…
TAPINGStapings n. Plural of taping.
TAPING n. the act of recording something to magnetic tape.
TAPPINGtapping n. An act of making a light hit or strike against something.
tapping n. (Music) A guitar technique in which the strings are tapped against the fingerboard.
tapping n. The process by which a resource is tapped or exploited.
TAPUINGtapuing v. Present participle of tapu.
TAPU v. (Tongan) to forbid the use of, also TABOO, TABU.
TRAPINGtraping v. Present participle of trape.
TRAPE v. to walk in an aimless manner, also TRAIPSE, TRAPES, TRAPSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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